Search: graphic: preconditions of revolution in the usa today

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Hopefully all of you opened the first returned hit, Mongoose: BIll Clinton Wrong on Mass Shootings and found what you were looking for,  Graphic: Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today.  For reasons we do not understand, the search always works better at Google with or without source=phibetaiota, taking you directly to the sought-for link.  In WordPress, the sought-for link comes up LAST, after all of the other posts that have included the link as a “See Also.”

Yes, the USA is in a state of absolute readiness for a revolution across the board, a “Great Revolution” that is transformative, that flushes the two-party tyranny down the toilet, that puts the Wall Street bankers in jail, that outs and retires all of the traitors now serving who consider themselves above the law in part because the Attorney Journal and the Director of the FBI are with them.

Leash Lynn Plante
Leash Lynn Plante

HOWEVER:  preconditions do not a revolution make.  For that one needs a precipitant.  The Tunesian fruit seller is an example.  Leah Lynn Plante was not mistreated badly enough to qualify, but as her photograph shows so clearly, she is the antithesis of the corrupt government we have now.  We continue to seek a soccer mom willing to torch herself on the steps of Capitol Hill after first posting a YouTube call to action.  Positive change is coming!


Search: osint in history, theory and practice

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Click on Image to Enlarge

A good search at a good time. You should immediately dismiss all who equate OSINT with online searching and all who do not understand the difference between Open Source Information (OSIF), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and Validated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT-V). At least 80% of the relevant information that is not secret is not online and not in English.

The primary problem that persists among those who claim to be doing OSINT is that they have no idea what they are doing, and persist in treating OSINT as a Technical Intelligence (TECHINT) collection disicpline rather than a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) decision-support discipline.  Here is a comment from the one senior military leader that actually “got” OSINT:

BGen James Cox, CA (Ret) On the Record on Open Source Information versus Open Source Intelligence versus Secret Intelligence

If one were to evaluate any national intelligence community but especially the wasteful and unaccountable US intelligence community, one would quickly discover that 80% or more of what is done at great expense need not be done, and that easily 80% if not far more of what needs to be known by decision-makers can be quickly and inexpensively addressed with open sources of information that are converted into decision-support, ideally with the application of M4IS2, not unilateral US citizens largely clueless about reality.

Tony Zinni: Background & Confirmation of the 4% “At Best” Quote on Secret versus Open Sources

Graphic: UN 6 OSINT Relevance to UN Ten High-Level Threats

2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else

Continue reading “Search: osint in history, theory and practice”

Search: what is dysfunctionalism in public administration

Definitions, Searches

Dysfunctionalism is both a personality disorder and an institutional disorder.  Public administration can refer to the pseudi-discipline of public administation, and to the functions of governance for which the discipline serves as a clerk, offering no normative or pro-functionality frame of reference.

The general definition of dysfunctional is (1) failing to perform the function that is normally expected, (2) unable to function emotionally as a social unit, (3) not functioning normally.

There are three general types of dysfunction in public administration:

01  During the wrong thing wrong.
02  Doing the wrong thing right.
03  Doing the right thing wrong.

Doc (1):  2013 Public Governance Abstract

The 21st Century Intelligence link is persistent within the What Price Integrity Box under Robert Steele's Head Shot. Public Intelligence 3.1

At the very highest level, public administration deals, in theory, with optimizing ends (what do we all want and need) with ways (how can we best achieve our ends) and means (how do we pay for the capabilities and behaviors that lead the the achievement of our ends).

Continue reading “Search: what is dysfunctionalism in public administration”

Search: robert steele hack the planet


Review: Hack the Planet–Science’s Best Hope–or Worst Nightmare–For Averting Climate Catastrophe

See Also:

2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark)

2010 Hacking Humanity & SPY IMPROV, Email, Photos, Complete Audio

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Denmark 27-28 October 2009)

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer the World (University of British Columbia)


Search: four quadrants cultural intelligence


This is a tough one for automation to handle.  Again, searching via Google with source=phibetaiota produces faster better results than the internal WordPress search.

Graphic: four quadrants of organizational culture

Graphic: Smart Safe Nation via Intelligence with Integrity in Four Quadrants – USA Fails

We have also recently restored with an author bio modified to the author's current needs:

1993 Bonthous (FR) on Culture: The Missing Intelligence Variable

Continue reading “Search: four quadrants cultural intelligence”

Search: humint [as of 20130127]


For reasons we do not understand, searching this site (or any other site) via Google works better than the internal search.  So instead of search for humint here, search at Google

humint source=phibetaiota

and you get right to relevant references.  Public Intelligence 3.1 in the Donation widget is also a good starting point.

It is always worth looking through ALL RECAPS and also the Directory of Searches.

Human in the Loop Selections:

Continue reading “Search: humint [as of 20130127]”