Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Marshall Auerback

Alpha A-D, Public Intelligence
Martin Auerback
Martin Auerback

Marshall Auerback has 27 years of experience in the investment management business, serving as a global portfolio strategist for RAB Capital Plc, a UK-based fund management group with $2 billion under management, since 2003. He is also co-manager of the RAB Gold Fund. He serves as an economic consultant to PIMCO, the world’s largest bond fund management group, and as a fellow of the Economists for Peace and Security.  He is one of the Brainstrusters associated with New Deal 2.0 as sponsored by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute

Recent Headlines:

America’s biggest economic problem? We’re all broke. Literally.

Friday, 08/7/2009 – 1:05 pm by Marshall Auerback | 1 Comment

Why Goldman still owes us

Monday, 07/27/2009 – 11:59 am by Marshall Auerback | Post a Comment

Big Banks to American Public: “Screw You”

Tuesday, 07/21/2009 – 2:59 pm by Marshall Auerback | Post a Comment

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jack Davis

Alpha A-D, Public Intelligence
Jack Davis
Jack Davis


Jack Davis

For over three decades, Jack Davis has been the heir to Sherman Kent and the mentor to all those who would strive to be the world’s most effective all-source intelligence analysts.  As a Central Intelligence Agency analyst and educator, he combines intellect, integrity, insight, and an insatiable appetite for interaction with all manner of individuals regardless of rank and disposition.  He is the most able pioneer of “analytic tradecraft,” the best proponent for the value of human analysis over technical processing, and one of those very special individuals who helped define the end of 20th Century centralized analysis and the beginning of 21st Century distributed multinational multiagency analysis.

Web Stack

Jack Davis remains the de facto Dean for Analytic Tradecraft of the US Intelligence Community.

1997 Davis A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes

2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?

2002  Reference: Jack Davis Leadership in Intelligence Analysis (August 2002)

Sherman Kent Occasional Papers by Jack Davis

Improving CIA Analytic Performance: Strategic Warning

Improving CIA Analytic Performance: Analysts and the Policymaking Process

Improving CIA Analytic Performance: DI Analytic Priorities

Sherman Kent and the Profession of Intelligence Analysis

Strategic Warning: If Surprise is Inevitable, What Role for Analysis?

Tensions in Analyst-Policymaker Relations: Opinions, Facts, and Evidence

Sherman Kent’s Final Thoughts on Analyst-Policymaker Relations

Updated 4 March 2010

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Doug Dearth

Alpha A-D, Public Intelligence
Doug Dearth
Doug Dearth

Dr. Doug Dearth, in partnership with Col Al Campen, USAF (Ret) will always remain the original Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) pioneer for both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Cyber-War.

It was his sponsorship, from within the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center (JMITC) that led to the creation of the first-ever official Open Source Intelligence Handbook (JMITC, 1996).

He and Al Campen published three books on Cyber-War:

Cyberwar: Security, Strategy and Conflict in the Information Age (AFCEA, 1996) with Thomas Godden

Cyberwar 2.0: Myths, Mysteries, and Reality (AFCEA, 1998)

Cyberwar 3.0: Human Factors in Information Operations and Future Conflict (AFCEA, 2000)

Needs bio.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Steve Edwards

Alpha E-H, Public Intelligence



Detective Steve Edwards, MBE, UK

Detective Steve Edwards, Member of the British Empire, has been the foremost law enforcement pioneer in the field of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and it is with heartfelt admiration that we applaud his recent recognition by the Queen of England.  His gentle, self-effacing, sober appreciation of the nuances of crime, private sector offerings, and government needs for innovation have enabled him to bring disparate personalities and capabilities together in a  most effective manner.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert Heibel

Alpha E-H, Public Intelligence
Robert Heibel
Robert Heibel


Professor Robert Heibel

Professor Robert Heibel, a veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is unique for having established both an undergraduate and a graduate program in intelligence and research analysis.  His pioneering efforts have provided varied intelligence communities with very high-quality individuals, properly trained, at a time when their respective countries need them badly.  His development of training materials that did not exist, of a training program that did not exist, of a philosophy of education in the national service that did not exist anywhere else at the time, is worthy of the highest regard.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Joe Trippi

Alpha Q-U, Public Intelligence
Joe Trippi
Joe Trippi

Joe Trippi helped rock democracy when he, Joe Costello, and Zephyr Teachout created “The Big Bat” for Howard Dean.  He is one of the 24 co-founders of the Earth Intelligence Network, and specifically responsible for visualizing how individual citizens can eliminate corporate and other special interest money from all political and advocacy campaigns.  His book, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, is one of the standards in the field and preceeded the many other books about bottom-up public power.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Above is the new updated edition.

Click on the cover below to pre-order the new book by Robert Steele that integrates work by the 24 co-founders of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 Public Charity.

The Book
The Book

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas

Alpha Q-U, Public Intelligence

Robert David Steele (Vivas) is the founder of OSS.NET, a web site dedicated to international intelligence reform including improved use of open source intelligence (OSINT).  He has served in three of the four directorates of the Central Intelligence Agency, as a clandestine case officer, an all-source requirements and collection manager, and as project leader for advanced information technology applications. He was the senior civilian responsible for founding the Marine Corps Intelligence Command. Mr. Steele holds a BA in Political Science with a thesis on multinational corporation operations and home-host country issues; an MA in International Relations from Lehigh University with a thesis on predicting revolutions; and an MBA in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma with a thesis on strategic and tactical information management for national security. He is a distinguished graduate of the Naval War College, and has earned a certificate in Intelligence Policy from Harvard University. Mr. Steele is the author of On Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World (AFCEA International Press 2000 and OSS International Press 2002) and The New Craft of Intelligence: Personal, Public, & Political (OSS International Press 2002) as well as many monographs, chapters, and articles on information and intelligence strategy and operations. He is the ranking reviewer on Amazon for non-fiction books about national security, information, intelligence, and related ethical issues.  Reach him at robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com.


Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence: The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes

Peacekeeping Intelligence: Leadership Digest 1.0

The Book
The Book