Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jameson Quinn

Alpha Q-U, Public Intelligence
Jameson Quinn

Jameson Quinn has been interested in election theory for over ten years. He has worked as a programmer and as a Guatemalan public school principal and teacher. He has served as statistical analyst for an independent survey of the quality of Guatemalan voter rolls, and initiated the creation of the consensus Declaration of Electoral Reform Advocates. He grew up in California, studied applied math and cognitive science in Massachusetts and Ohio, and lives in Guatemala.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Larry Sanger

Alpha Q-U, Public Intelligence
Larry Sanger Blog

Founder of Wikipedia (which lost its way, trolls took over), founder of WatchKnow.org, an educational video directory, founder of Citizendium, a wiki encyclopedia project that is expert-guided, public participatory, and real-names-only.  Ph.D. 2000, The Ohio State University, Philosophy.  Dissertation: Epistemic Circularity: An Essay on the Problem of Meta-Justification.  See also The Digital Universe, The Digital Universe Foundation, and the Encyclopedia of Earth (2005-6)

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Noah Raford

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence
Noah Raford

MIT Home Page

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, writing my dissertation on long term planning and strategy making during times of systemic change.

Large-scale participatory futures systems blog

Crisis as catalyst.  Risk as renewal.  Classical strategic planning is based upon the assumption of a slowly changing future. This assumption is wrong.  Climate change, technological innovation, resource challenges, political and social volatility, and increasingly frequent natural and technological disasters point to a newly emerging context for strategic planning. The U.S. Army War College calls this the “VUCA Context“; Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

Noah Radford CV

Structured Hits

Who’s Who in Intelligence (Decision-Support): Robert David Steele – Hispanic Robert David STEELE Vivas

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Cyber-Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Public Intelligence


There are too many past links to this post to change them all, apologies for that. Above link leads to https://robertdavidsteele.com with pages on Overview, Contact, #BigIdeas, About, Qualifications, Appearances, Publications (most linked and free online), Espanol, Francais, and Web Sites.

Want to talk? Make a donation, it triggers an email from Robert.

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Rolf Sattler

Alpha Q-U, Earth Intelligence
Rolf Sattler

Rolf Sattler, Ph.D., D.Sc. (h.c.), F.L.S., F.R.S.C., (born March 8, 1936) is a Canadian plant morphologist, biologist, philosopher, and educator. He is considered one of the most significant contributors to the field of plant morphology. His contributions are not only empirical but involved also a revision of the most fundamental concepts, theories, and philosophical assumptions.

The major focus of his philosophical contributions to plant morphology and our understanding of reality has been on process philosophy, integral philosophy, holism, contextualism, perspectivism, and complementarity. Besides hierarchy (holarchy) he underlines the importance of complementary perspectives such as dialectics, holism as undivided wholeness, Yin-Yang, continuum and network views. Besides Aristotelian either/or logic, he emphasizes the importance of fuzzy logic. He explores how either/or logic can lead to conflict and even war, whereas fuzzy logic and Yin-Yang thinking can be healing because they connect what either/or logic has torn apart. Finally, he also emphasizes that beyond all perspectives is the unnamable, the source, emptiness (in the Buddhist sense), mystery, which is of ultimate importance for healing and total Being.

Web Stack


Personal Website

Chapter: The Dynamic Mandala

Graphic: Dynamic Mandala Map

Book (1986) BioPhilosophy

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sam Rose

Alpha Q-U, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Sam Rose

Samuel Rose created Socialsynergyweb.com to help people deal with the complexities of knowledge, understanding, change, human systems, evolution, foresight, cooperation and collaboration, and technology. This business is now integrated into both Forward Foundation and Future Forward Institute.

He is a principal contributor to the Autonomous Internet Road Map.

He is interested in effective knowledge synthesis, and in exploring and developing the concepts of open knowledge, open design, and open business.

He is involved in a growing list of blogs, wikis, social software experiments and developings, including CoummunityWiki, Meatball Wiki, Cooperation Commons Weblog, Smartmobs Weblog.

Past clients have included Howard Rheingold, MacArthur Foundation, MIT Press, Stanford University, USDA, David Korten and People Centered Development Forum, and the Cooperation Commons and Social Media Classroom community.

twitter: @SamRose

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Douglas Rushkoff

Alpha Q-U, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Cyber-Intelligence
Douglas Rushkoff
Structured Web Hits

Douglas Rushkoff (born 18 February 1961) is an American media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist and documentarian. He is best known for his association with the early cyberpunk culture, and his advocacy of open source solutions to social problems.

Rushkoff is most frequently regarded as a media theorist, and known for coining terms and concepts including viral media (or media virus), digital native, and social currency.

Wikipedia Page (Especially Well Done)

An Interview With Douglas Rushkoff, Author of Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age

Douglas Rushkoff: ‘I Would Do It for Arianna. I Won’t Do It for AOL’

Digital Nation Documentary & Commentary

Internet as Easy Prey for Government (Facebook & Twitter as Crutches)