Answers on OSINT for India 6 – OSINT & HUMINT



1- OSINT definitely relates to HUMINT to the extent that it involves an analyst's presence of mind. Primary data on OSINT (govt docs) are old and hardly any attention has been paid to cybersecurity, safer communications. Also, Open Source Info has increased tremendously over the years calling ICT engineers to research and produce more upon technology that helps in faster collection, analysis and dissemination. We fail to realise that an area specialist or language expert may not the grab the nitty-gritty science ICT fast. In this regard please tell whether the collection and analysis of OSINT needs to be done by different experts or by the same analyst.

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Answers on OSINT for India 4 – OSINT & Military


Sir, This link ( is not working. [Steele, Robert. “Open Source Intelligence: What Is It? Why Is It Important to the Military?,” in Loch K. Johnson and James J. Wirtz (eds.), Strategic Intelligence: Windows into a Secret World, NC: Roxbury, 2004, pp. 112-119.]

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Answers on OSINT for India 3 – OSINT & Denied Areas


Sir, kindly guide on –

1- How can OSINT ops be successively conducted on closed information states like China or North Korea? (Attaching a file I had downloaded)

2- Is the information that China generally makes public through its stare-run agencies reliable and sufficient?

3- Is there any research paper or unclassified information over the organisations collecting OSINT for China?

4- Please suggest sources on the Military Uses of OSINT.

Questions repeated & answered after graphic.

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Answers on OSINT for India 2 – OSINT & Technical vs. OSINT & Analytical



I have noticed one particular characteristic of OSINT which is that any OSINT process involves two actions, namely, intelligence collection and then intelligence analysis. I have observed that OSINT collection process is technical and requires thorough understanding of different technologies, softwares and methodologies while intelligence analysis depends more upon the analyst’s judgment.

This brings us to breaking OSINT into two components- the technical one that relates with collection of OSINT and the non-technical one relating to analysis. Can this be depicted with the help of the following diagram?

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Answers on OSINT for India 1


China has been mining Open Source Info of its major adversaries, namely, the US, India and the Europe. The latest Zhenhua leaks confirm this. Very little information is available over the methodology it adopts. Please guide on how China does it?

China, like Japan, is good at collection and very poor at processing and sense-making. They are also making the same mistake the Americans continue to make, and not fully exploiting all humans in all languages and walks of life. Below is a core graphic: OSINT is HUMINT not TECHINT, anyone that does not get that is stupid or corrupt or both.

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