Event: 3-5 May Mountain View Internet Identity Workshop, Part of Identity Commons


IIW #12 is May 3-5, 2011 in Mountain View, California.

Registration is Open & sponsorship opportunities are available.
Read more details about the event on our blog.

Originally founded in 2005 IIW is focused on user-centric digital identity. As the community focus shifts beyond just identity the event is inclusive of the Federated Social Web, Vendor Relationship Management, and the emerging Personal Data Ecosystem. The third day of IIW is titled “Yukon” this year and is focused on the business opportunity in the space.

Event Home Page

Tip of the Hat to Kaliya Hamlin at Google Group Next Net.

Event: 14-16 June DC Computers, Freedom, and Privacy–the Future is Now

Home Page

The 21st annual Association for Computing Machinery's “Computers, Freedom, and Privacy” conference invites proposals for this year's conference. This year's conference theme is Computers, Freedom, and Privacy: The Future is Now. We encourage multi-stakeholder participation in the conference as speakers, proposal submitters, and attendees that represent the diverse global community of organizations and professionals who work on policy, technology and law. Proposals that focus on the information society and the future of technology, privacy, innovation and law should be submitted following the guidelines outlined below.

We seek panel proposals that take advantage of this year's location in Washington DC. Experts, the public and policy makers each have a part to play in innovation and in moving policy and technology forward, while preserving basic rights and freedoms.

Main Page

Deadlines: 15 March early bird submissions to organize panel or workshop, 1 May final deadline.

An alternative event with an alternative cast of contributors, is ContactCon in NYC 20 October.

Event: 7-8 June San Antonio Cyber Intelligence and Unclassified Tradecraft (AFCEA)


Conference Page

Phi Beta Iota: The sponsor has the best of intentions, but we find the program appalling.  With a couple of exceptions there is no one here that actually knows anything, and there is zero evidence that this is anything other than a meet and greet within the closed circle that will be blowing $12 billion in US taxpayer funds better spent on substance or not spent at all.  Perhaps most telling is the absence of any representation from the ostensible purveyor of unclassified intelligence, the CIA's Open Source Center (OSC).

See Also:

Reference: Open Source Agency (OSA)

2010: OPINION–America’s Cyber Scam

2011 Cyber-Command or IO 21 + IO Roots

US Intelligence Unwitting of Most Open Sources

Waves of Unrest–Where is Open Source Tri-Fecta?

SSL Has Sucking Chest Wounds–Time to Die…


How is SSL hopelessly broken? Let us count the ways

Blunders expose huge cracks in net's trust foundation

By Dan Goodin in San FranciscoGet more from this author

Posted in Security, 11th April 2011 03:00 GMT

Phi Beta Iota: Instead of spending $12 billion on cyber-attack and trying to defend 1970's technology created by 1950's mind-sets, Cyber-Command should be focusing on actually creating deep embedded code-level and data-level security.  The continued lack of intelligence and integrity in US cyber is troubling.

Tip of the Hat to Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn.

See Also:

Continue reading “SSL Has Sucking Chest Wounds–Time to Die…”

Event: 23-30 April San Francisco Open Hackathon



Join us for our first hackathon, co-sponsored by Creative Commons.

Meet fellow designers and developers. See how your peers are wrangling data into something that looks fantastic, feels intuitive and is super-useful. Use your skills to create great apps and visualizations from an open data set that includes Indeed, Etsy, Craigslist, Ebay, Zillow and others. Show your stuff to investors looking to seed data-related projects – they’ll be coming to see team presentations on the final day of the hack.

Learn more.

Tip of the Hat to Joichi Ito at LinkedIn.

Event: 20-22 Jun NYC Games for Change 2011


ALERT: Prices go up 30% after April 15th.


The 8th Annual Games for Change Festival

Our preparations for the June 20-22 event are in full swing. This year's festival will be offering 40+ hours of content over three days as well as social events, massive play sessions, a “Game Arcade” and an Award Ceremony featuring some of the best titles in our genre. Registration is now open so if you want to take advantage of early bird pricing (30% off), visit our pre-Festival page here.

Continue reading “Event: 20-22 Jun NYC Games for Change 2011”

Event: 24-27 May Laguna Beach Future in Review


Larry Brilliant & FIRE

The Future in Review (FIRE) Conference

May 24-27, 2011

Montage Laguna Beach
Laguna Beach, California

About Future in Review (FIRE) ..  Confirmed Thought Leaders ..  2010 Firestarters ..  2011 Firestarters ..    FIRE Home Page ..  Register for FiRe 2011

This year's over-arcing FiRe theme is Technology-Driving Global-Economics. Discussions will include:

Annual FiRe CTO Design Challenge ..  4G Devices  ..  Car Computing Revolution  ..  Economic Cyberwar  ..  Embedded Machine Vision  ..  Financial Risk in the Global Economy  ..  Improving Cloud Infrastructure  ..  Investing in China  ..  IPTV: Hardware and Software  ..  EU's Business Model  ..  Next-Generation Voice Recognition  ..  Telepresent Entertainment  ..  New (CarryAlong) Pads  ..  Next Security Designs:  Protecting Intellectual Property  ..  Venture Investing: New Targets

Hosted by Mark Anderson, founder and publisher of the Strategic News Service, the Future in Review® (FiRe) conference exposes world experts and participants to new ideas in a manner that produces an accurate portrait of the future in technology, including the global economy, cloud computing, biology and medical diagnostics, policy, netbooks, space travel, sustainability, and other fields that contribute to technology outcomes. (Strategic News Service and the SNS newsletter have been accurately predicting the technology industry's future since 1995.)