Event: 18 Mar San Francisco Open Source Ventures


Bay Area Community Exchange Presents John Robb's Open Source Ventures

Friday, March 18, 2011 at 7:30 PM (PT)

San Francisco, CA

The Bay Area Community Exchange presents John Robb, author of Brave New War and originator of the concept of “open source warfare” which predicted many of the patterns of conflict observed in the recent revolutions sweeping North Africa and the Middle East. Now he turns his attention from the future of war to the future of peace and presents the “open source venture” and his related startup, PictureThis, done in collaboration with bettermeans of Oakland.

Read his blog at globalguerrillas.typepad.com and his coverage of the ongoing revolutions at twitter.com/johnrobb.

Seating is limited, please reserve one here (even if you wish to make no donation, so that we can still assure you a place).

Donations will be accepted to cover event expenses and to fund BACE operations. BACE is an activity of the International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC), a non-profit organization concerned with the protection of both biological and cultural diversity and emphasizing education for action – moving beyond single issues to look at the more fundamental influences that shape our lives.

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NIGHTWATCH Revolution 2.0 Round-Up


Middle East 11 March general warning; Bahrain, Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, US-Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt (multiple), Libya, Libya-Netherlands, Benghazi Council-France; Warning doctrine and lessons.

Phi Beta Iota: The US Government appears to be lacking across the spectrum–no deep current knowledge and no contextual understanding of the difference between young digital natives and older dignity now protesters; no ability to differentiate or deliver covert no-obligation communications and small arms support or no-fly zones; and a very strong pro-dictator stance underlying the general grid-lock in US strategy, policy, and operations, none of which are intelligent or agile at this time.  This is the wars of national liberation all over again, and US is blowing it…again.

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