Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.


Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree. 

We Are Being Played. Please Read.


No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations

Read article at source.  Video and safety copy below the fold.

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Consortium News: Epstein Videos and Books Avoid Israel and US Government Official Support for Pedophilia Entrapment and Blackmail by Mossad, CIA, FBI


Epstein Case: Documentaries Won’t Touch Tales of Intel Ties

Two new documentaries on the Jeffery Epstein affair delve into lurid details & give voice to his victims, but both scratch the surface of the political & intelligence dimensions of the scandal, writes Elizabeth Vos.

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Cynthia McKinney: The More Israelis Breathe, the More Palestinians Choke: IDF Soldiers Kill Autistic Man For No Discernible Reason

Cynthia McKinney

The More Israelis Breathe, the More Palestinians Choke: IDF Soldiers Kill Autistic Man For No Discernible Reason

In a grisly reminder America's not the only home to state racism and deadly abuse by those wielding its power, Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem's Old City shot and killed at point-blank range Iyad Khairi Halak, a severely autistic, 32-year-old Palestinian man – to his father, “a sick boy” – as he cowered on the ground, bleeding, terrified and uncomprehending, behind garbage cans.

Continue reading “Cynthia McKinney: The More Israelis Breathe, the More Palestinians Choke: IDF Soldiers Kill Autistic Man For No Discernible Reason”

Michael Tellinger: Rothschild Central Bank Bolshevik’s On the Run — Trump Triumphant — Military & Police Will Stand With Trump, Media Liars Will Fall Soon


Message From Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger is a South African author, politician, explorer and founder of the Ubuntu Party which supports the supply of free resources across society.

For all my friends in the USA – please be aware that your country is under full blown attack by the same Rothschild funded Bolshevik insurgent agents that caused most of the destruction and chaos in the world over the past 250 years.

Continue reading “Michael Tellinger: Rothschild Central Bank Bolshevik's On the Run — Trump Triumphant — Military & Police Will Stand With Trump, Media Liars Will Fall Soon”

Robert Steele: Revolution USA – A Fresh Appraisal



is a worst case scenario rooted in the book by William Strauss and Neil Howe, The Fourth Turning.  I bought the authors lunch at a Chinese resturant in McLean, Virginia many years ago shortly after the book came out.

Below is an even worser case scenario — all of the preconditions of revolution, without exception, exist today in the USA.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Revolution USA – A Fresh Appraisal”

Deep State Freaking Out Part III: Caitlin Johnston on DNC as a Subversive Negative Force Against Authentic Change Movements


The Democratic Party Exists To Co-Opt And Kill Authentic Change Movements

Caitlin Johnston

Democratic Party leaders are currently under fire for staging a ridiculous performative display of sympathy for George Floyd by kneeling for eight minutes while wearing Kente cloth, a traditional African textile. The streets of America are filled with protesters demanding a total overhaul of the nation’s entire approach to policing. The Democratic Party’s response is to put on a children’s play using black culture as a prop, and advance a toothless reform bill whose approach we’ve already established is worthless which will actually increase funding to police departments.

Continue reading “Deep State Freaking Out Part III: Caitlin Johnston on DNC as a Subversive Negative Force Against Authentic Change Movements”