Event: 16 Dec 2010 0930-1100 DC New America Foundation Self Inflicted Wound–Debates and Divisions Within al-Qa’ida and its Periphery


Self-Inflicted Wounds

Debates and Divisions Within al-Qa’ida and its Periphery

Please join the New America Foundation National Security Studies Program for the release and discussion of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point’s new report, Self-Inflicted Wounds: Debates and Divisions within al-Qa’ida and its Periphery, which explores the disagreements and internal tensions that weaken the al-Qa’ida movement independently from state-led counterterrorism policies.

Thursday, December 16, 2010 – 9:30am – 11:00am
New America Foundation

1899 L Street NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

Event: 15 Dec 2010 NPC DC CIA OSC & LEXIS-NEXIS


15 December 2010, 1 pm – Washington, DC – LexisNexis will host its next Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Round Table on “OSINT 2020: The Future of Open Source Intelligence.”

LexisNexis will host its next Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Round Table at the National Press Club on December 15, 2010. Doors open at noon, program to begin at 1:00pm. The focus will continue our theme of “OSINT 2020: The Future of Open Source Intelligence” and will explore the evolving role of traditional media and technology in the future.

The program will include keynote remarks by Mr. Douglas J. Naquin, Director of the DNI Open Source Center followed by a “perspectives” discussion with leading experts among our group of distinguished attendees. The discussion will be based on the future of OSINT as a recognized discipline in strategic and tactical national security decision-making.

Panelists will include:

  • Mr. Chet Lunner, former Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis
  • Ms. Suzanne Spaulding, Principal, Bingham Consulting and Of Counsel, Bingham McCutchen LLP
  • Mr. Jeff Stein, Washington Post SpyTalk columnist
  • Mr. Thomas Sanderson, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow at Center for Strategic & International Studies, Transnational Threats Project

The OSINT Round Table was created to make a public space for discussion about the government’s needs for Open Source Intelligence in order to facilitate relationships between government officials and private sector leaders. We seek to foster an increasingly responsive open source intelligence infrastructure that meets the needs of national security decision makers.

Register to attend at www.lexisnexis.com/osint

See Also:

Summit '11: Sense-Making Summit–Open Space

Search: “global futures partnership” 2010

2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Search: seven tribes ninety nations coalition

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated


Search: naquin washington times

Reference: National Open Source Strategic Action Plan

Historic Contributions (247)

History of Opposition (15)

NIGHTWATCH Special Report: Afghanistan Taliban Numbers

NightWatch Logo


29 November 2010

Special Report: October in Afghanistan

Findings: The number of clashes in October in the NightWatch data base, which contains exclusively open source reports on fighting, remained elevated, at 701. The Taliban “victory” offensive continues. NightWatch estimates this number represents a fourth to a half of the actual total, but it includes the most noteworthy fighting actions during the month.

Phi Beta Iota: What this report does not point out is the relative cost difference between allied operations and Taliban operations.  Allied operations are costing $50 million for EACH Taliban member killed (while birth rate is double the death rate), whereas the cost to the Taliban of each allied body is close to zero.  When combined with the equally humongous spread between the total sustainment cost of NATO operations (billions per week) and the cost to the Taliban of standing pat (nothing), the strategic imbalance is quite clear.

Balance of Nightwatch Report with Graphic & Table Below

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH Special Report: Afghanistan Taliban Numbers”

Event: 30 Nov Irish Inn Glenn Echo Open Space Lunch on Health Policy, Health Planning, Health Programming, Health Budget, Health Waste, and Health Enforcement


Harrison Owen and Jim Turner will be hosting a co-convener's exploratory lunch from 1155 to 1400 on Tuesday 30 November 2010 The Irish Inn at Glenn Echo, Maryland.  Anyone who cares about any aspect of health planning, health programming, health budget, health policy, health waste, or health enforcement, is welcome BUT advance registration is required.  The lunch is “Dutch” unless one of the aspiring sponsors of Summit '11 (Sense-Making Summit on Public Health) offers to treat the group.

Wi-Fi is available, we are exploring having a computer at the head of the table and opening this to national video-teleconference observation.  Notes will be posted after the fact.

RSVP to the conference organizer, Robert Steele, CEO (pro bono) of the Earth Intelligence Network, at robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com.

Event: 13-17 Dec 2010 Cambridge UK Analysis for NGOs


Analysis for Humanitarian and Political Organisations

Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) (Cambridge)
Date: 12/13/2010 to 12/17/2010
Language: English
Type: Training Course or Seminar
Keywords: Early Warning
Training Description
The course focuses on analysis in a multi-functional context, including NGOs, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, security and emergency management. We focus on three elements crucial to successful analysis: an appreciation of knowledge production in complex environments; techniques to construct quality analysis within the Open Source environment; and producing a variety of analytic products in a multifunctional context.
Training Cost
Intended Audience
Humanitarian security officers, UN political officers, UN security and political analysts, peacekeeping officers, UN agency security staff, investigative officers in special tribunals
Training Contact
David Africa
Telephone: +27217909976


IAT Cambridge.pdf *