Sharyl Attkisson on Media Manipulation – Includes Excellent Slam on Wikipedia, An Absolutely Corrupt Enterprise Wholly-Owned by Special Interests


Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman

“Atroturf media manipulation more important than lobbying” to special interests seeking to achieve their goals. Those who disagree are “controversialized” (and often called “conspiracy-theorists,” a term invented by the CIA to marginalize activists in the 1960s. Wikipedia is a particularly pernicious source of mis-information in favor of special interests.

Worth a Look: Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy

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Amazon Page

The aim of this book is not to provide yet another critique of capitalism but rather to contribute to the ongoing dialogue for post-capitalist construction, and to discuss how another world could be possible. It builds on the idea that peer-to-peer infrastructures are gradually becoming the general conditions of work, economy, and society, considering peer production as a social advancement within capitalism but with various post-capitalistic aspects in need of protection, enforcement, stimulation and connection with progressive social movements. Using a four-scenario approach, the authors seek to simplify possible outcomes and to explore relevant trajectories of the current techno-economic paradigm within and beyond capitalism. They postulate that the mature peer production communities pose a sustainable alternative to capital accumulation, that of the circulation of the Commons. They make some tentative transition proposals towards a Commons-based economy and society for the state, the market and the civic domain.

Berto Jongman: 57% Value Alternative Media — But We Are Still Manufacturing Consent — and Alternative Media Including Facebook is Retarded…

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

US Citizens Fed Up With Mainstream Media Lies About Iraq, Iran

People in the United States are fed up with mainstream media coverage of events in Iraq and Iran, CODEPINK activist organization national coordinator Alli McCracken, told Sputnik on Tuesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik), Alexander Mosesov — McCracken's comments come following the release of an ICM Research poll conducted exclusively for Sputnik, revealing that a total of 60 percent of European and US citizens surveyed wanted to receive information on global events from alternative news sources.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: 57% Value Alternative Media — But We Are Still Manufacturing Consent — and Alternative Media Including Facebook is Retarded…”

Search: negative reviews lessons not learned us navy status quo and culture

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Amazon Page

Complex searches do not work with Word Press but simple ones do.  Robert Steele has not reviewed this book but provides the link to an earlier guest review here an amplifying comment below the fold with many links. A search result that works: < Review Lessons Not Learned >

Review (Guest): Lessons Not Learned – The U.S. Navy’s Status Quo Culture

See Also:

Review: The Rules of the Game–Jutland and British Naval Command

Winslow Wheeler: US Navy Status Quo Culture — Lessons Not Learned, Substituting Pork and Lies for Effective Weapons Systems + US Flag Officer Lack of Integrity RECAP

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