Chuck Spinney: Trusting Iran — Not US-Based Liars

Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Phi Beta Iota: We use the TIME Cover for Chuck Spinney to make the point that today, 35 years after he blew the whistle on defense mis-management, in such depth as to warrant a TIME Cover, we still have not corrected any of the deficiencies he brought forth. Defense acquisition remains corrupt to the bone, “cost plus government spec” idiocy that is a constant betrayal of the public trust. Below is a full length commentary by Chuck — one of our hero patriots — with two attachments from Gareth Porter whose work we have featured here before. Worth a full read. The lies characteristic of every branch of the US Government and its complicit academic and media sychophants (when they are not paid controlled assets) are long overdue for revolt.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Trusting Iran — Not US-Based Liars”

Jean Lievens: Unlearn First, Grasshopper

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The future is in how fast you are at unlearning.

Stephan Vincent

Innovation Excellence, 20 September 2014

I recently came across a blog from Penelope Trunk my wife shared with me about home schooling. Common themes are found in various projects I have led where companies and individuals are stuck in their traditional way of thinking and see their business become stagnant, irrelevant and eventually die.

Through our education, from kindergarten to grad school, then through our professional lives, we have been shaped in the same mold, even though we hear here and there that we need to “think outside the box”, that box being only aimed to fit into a bigger box, like the Russian dolls. Conventionalism, risk aversion and complacency kill innovation and entrepreneurship.

Read rest of post.

Anthony Judge: Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing

Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing Chinese

Conversion from tweets to songbites to ensure integrity of communication

Sonification and desonification — for communication integrity
Cognitive fusion to engage with information complexity and overload
Transformation of linear information into a songbite
Memescapes engendered and sustained by multidimensional soundscapes
Information transfer possibilities of blackbird singing capacity
Noopolitics and memetic warfare within the noosphere
Engaging with a memespace of paradoxical complexity
Ways of looking at ways of looking — in a period of invasive surveillance
Post-modern challenge to simplistic binary framing of the other
Imaginative composition of ways of looking or listening
Embodying a multiverse of uncertainly ordered incongruity
Thirteen ways of apprehending blackbird song
Imagining future communication integrity enabled by aesthetics

See Also:

Anthony Judge @ Phi Beta Iota

Ashraf Ghani Claims Victory in Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai
Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai

Ashraf Ghani claims Afghan presidential election victory

Campaign team says Ghani has beaten rival by more than 1.3m votes, but Abdullah Abdullah withdraws because of alleged fraud

Emma Graham-Harrison

Guardian, 27 June 2014

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota: Ghani has his copy of all the tallies, most counter-signed by Abdullah's polling place representative. This is OVER.

Continue reading “Ashraf Ghani Claims Victory in Afghanistan”

John Maguire: Tesla to World – Take Our Patents — We’ve Made Them Open Source

John Maguire
John Maguire

All Our Patent Are Belong To You

By Elon Musk, CEO

Yesterday, there was a wall of Tesla patents in the lobby of our Palo Alto headquarters. That is no longer the case. They have been removed, in the spirit of the open source movement, for the advancement of electric vehicle technology.

Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Operation American Spring Fails

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Millions were called for, low hundreds appeared.

‘Operation American Spring’ Comes to Washington, Was Only Millions Short of Projected Turnout

An event slated for Friday that promised to bring millions of Americans to Washington, D.C. to oust President Barack Obama and other key leaders from office failed incredibly. Instead, “Operation American Spring” welcomed only a few dozen protesters — not the millions projected by event organizers — who braved the morning’s stormy weather to hit the streets of the nation’s capital and call for a change of leadership in key roles. “It’s a very dismal turnout,” one participant from Texas, Jackie Milton, told the Washington Times.

See Also:

Operation American Spring Home Page

“The French Aristocracy Never Saw it Coming Either”

Revolution USA @ Phi Beta Iota