Josh Kilbourn: Dow Jones Deceit, Delusion, & Deviancy

Josh Kilbourn

Here Is Why The Dow Just Passed 13,000

Tyler Durden

ZeroHedge, 21 February 2012

Wondering why the DJIA just passed 13K again? Wonder no more: as the chart below shows it is entirely due to the nearly $7 trillion pumped by global central banks into the world stock markets just in the past 4 years. As Sean Corrigan from Diapason notes, the aggregate global central bank balance sheet has doubled in four years, after doubling in the 5 years before that.

Click on Image to Enlarge

We would add that with the entire centrally planned ponzi scheme hell bent on preserving the illusion of nominal gains, global liquidity is now fungibly sloshing from one market to another with absolutely zero resistance whatsoever. At this rate, it should double again in 3 years, then 2, and so on. Will the Dow hit 52K in 5 years in that case? Why most certainly. Just ask any remaining citizens of the Weimar Republic. They know all too well about exponential stock market rises. They also know absolutely everything about the self-delusion that comes with chasing NOMINAL numbers. Oh, and before we forget, expressed in spot gold price, the central bank aggregate tally has moved from being the equivalent of 10 billion oz of gold, to just 8 billion. Guess what is 20% underpriced.

Phi Beta Iota:  We disagree on the value of gold.  You cannot eat gold and realistically you cannot trade gold.  What clearly matters at this point is preparations for grid collapse — what do you do when electricity and water go off, and the food trucks and trains stop?  There will be a MAJOR  economic crash no later than 2014.  Absent the emergence of a presidential TEAM such as conceptualized by We the People Reform Coalition, no one now running is qualified — all are lacking the combination of intellect, integrity, and a grip on reality — to get America out of this hole We the People have allowed an extraordinarily corrupt, greedy, and out of control 1% to create.

Eagle: Eighteen Negative Economic Statistics for USA

300 Million Talons...

18 Statistics That Prove That The Economy Has Not Improved Since Barack Obama Became President

Has the economy improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States?  Of course not.  Despite what you may be hearing in the mainstream media, the truth is that when you compare the U.S. economy on the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated to the U.S. economy today, there is really no comparison.  The unemployment crisis is worse than it was then, home values have fallen, the cost of health insurance is up, the cost of gas is way up, the number of Americans living in poverty has soared and the size of our national debt has absolutely exploded.  Anyone that believes that things are better than they were when Barack Obama was elected is simply being delusional.  Yes, things have stabilized somewhat and our economy is not in free fall mode at this point.  But don't be fooled.  This bubble of false hope will be short-lived.  The problems we are seeing develop in Europe will erupt into another full-fledged global financial crisis and economic conditions in the United States will get even worse.  When that happens, what possible ” economic solutions” will Barack Obama have for us?  We never even came close to recovering from the last great financial crisis, and now something potentially even worse is staring us in the face.  This is not a great time to have a total lack of leadership in Washington.

The following are 18 statistics that prove that the economy has not improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States….

See 18 statistics with one liners and links to charts.

Phi Beta Iota:  There is no difference between the two parties that share power while excluding all others.  Whether Obama is re-elected or someone replaces him, it appears pretty certain there will be a major economic downturn — worse than what we have now — in 2013 or at the latest, 2014.

See Also:

DuckDuckGo on Crash in 2013

Marcus Aurelius: NYPD Cyber-Surveillance Example – Sad

Marcus Aurelius

For information, as posted at the website (link goes there, would not want to post copy here. Labeled NYPD SECRET.

Muslim Student Association Daily Monitoring Report

Phi Beta Iota:  This is a very sad piece of work, and is of interest mostly to show the elementary level of work.  NYPD appears to be using vast amounts of taxpayer funds to replicate everything that national intelligence and counterintelligence is supposed to be doing, the end result being twice as much garbage at twice the cost, with very little to show for it.  We are so desperate for results that it appears  most (not quite all) terrorist arrests are entrapment-related, if not Israeli false flags.

Marcus Aurelius: Deficit Good, Default Better

Marcus Aurelius

Modern Monetary Theory, an unconventional take on economic strategy

By Dylan Matthews,
Washington Post, February 18

About 11 years ago, James K. “Jamie” Galbraith recalls, hundreds of his fellow economists laughed at him. To his face. In the White House.

It was April 2000, and Galbraith had been invited by President Bill Clinton to speak on a panel about the budget surplus. Galbraith was a logical choice. A public policy professor at the University of Texas and former head economist for the Joint Economic Committee, he wrote frequently for the press and testified before Congress.

. . . . . . .

But MMT’s own relationship to real-world cases can be a little hit-or-miss. Mosler, the hedge fund manager, credits his role in the movement to an epiphany in the early 1990s, when markets grew concerned that Italy was about to default. Mosler figured that Italy, which at that time still issued its own currency, the lira, could not default as long as it had the ability to print more liras. He bet accordingly, and when Italy did not default, he made a tidy sum. “There was an enormous amount of money to be made if you could bring yourself around to the idea that they couldn’t default,” he says.

Later that decade, he learned there was also a lot of money to be lost. When similar fears surfaced about Russia, he again bet against default. Despite having its own currency, Russia defaulted, forcing Mosler to liquidate one of his funds and wiping out much of his $850 million in investments in the country. Mosler credits this to Russia’s fixed exchange rate policy of the time and insists that if it had only acted like a country with its own currency, default could have been avoided.

But the case could also prove what critics insist: Default, while technically always avoidable, is sometimes the best available option.

Read full article (five screens).

Phi Beta Iota:  Russia defaulted and is better than ever.  Iceland defaulted and is taking the perpetrators to court while roaring ahead.  When you are in a rigged game, default is always better than a growing deficit.  Especially if you can jail or kill the crooked bankers.  We're having a real hard time wondering why European leaders are so reluctant to play their strong suit — the public and the armed force of the sovereign nation — against the unsecured debt documents.  Could it be that the bankers are threatening to expose the corrupt politicians?  No problem.  Time for new politicians that can apply intelligence with integrity.  Now.

Jon Lebkowsky: The Boss is Very – Very – Angry

Jon Lebkowsky

Bruce Springsteen is angry

Guardian UK has a review of Bruce Springsteen’s new album, “Wrecking Ball,” described as “as angry a cry from the belly of a wounded America as has been heard since the dustbowl and Woody Guthrie, a thundering blow of New Jersey pig iron down on the heads of Wall Street and all who have sold his country down the swanny.” Springsteen is quoted about the causes for his anger: What was done to our country was wrong and unpatriotic and un-American and nobody has been held to account. There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my music but it is a critical, questioning and often angry patriotism.” Looking forward to Springsteen’s keynote at the SXSW music conference.

Phi Beta Iota:  Washington appears to be oblivious.  Speaking to Congressional staff, one is astonished at the depth of their ignorance about reality outside the Capitol.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War

Marcus Aurelius

COMMENT:  Only a couple of things wrong with the scenario described below:  (1) Vickers works for a POTUS, Administration and Congress committed to emasculating the National security operation IOT underwrite the incompetent/unindustrious/etc.; and (2) not always possible to be optimally surgical.

Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2012, Pg. 30

Slouching Toward Persistent War

Even as our troops march hither and yon, we've lost the thread in an ‘era of persistent conflict.'

By Andrew J. Bacevich

Well into the second decade of what the Pentagon calls an “era of persistent conflict,” many Americans have lost the thread of a war that appears increasingly fragmented and diffuse.

On the one hand, the U.S. military has withdrawn from Iraq without achieving victory, and it's trying to leave Afghanistan, where events seem equally unlikely to yield a happy outcome. On the other hand — in Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere — U.S. forces have been busily opening new fronts. A widely noted New York Times story recently described plans for “thickening” the global presence of U.S. special operations troops. Navy plans to convert an aging amphibious landing ship into an “afloat forward staging base” — a mobile launch platform for commando raids — reinforce the point, as does the “constellation of secret drone bases” reportedly being built in the Horn of Africa and on the Arabian Peninsula.

Yet even as the troops continue marching hither and yon, the conflict's narrative has become increasingly difficult to discern.

Today's war on terror looks nothing like it did in Round 1. Back then, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, the war's primary architect and cheerleader, counted on speed and technology to carry the day, operating on the assumption that America's agile, high-tech fighting force would make victory a foregone conclusion. Yet in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Round 1 ended in disappointment.

Today's war likewise bears scant resemblance to Round 2, when Army Gen. David H. Petraeus promoted counterinsurgency as a way to bring order out of the anarchy that was Rumsfeld's legacy. The hope was that successive “surges” in Iraq and Afghanistan would restore some semblance of order, allowing the United States to claim victory of a sort. Yet now Petraeus, as the Round 2 leader, is gone, and so too is any lingering enthusiasm for his favorite tactic.

Round 3 inaugurates yet another approach and brings with it another emblematic figure.

This time it's Michael Vickers. Unlike Rumsfeld or Petraeus, Vickers — who carries the title undersecretary of Defense for intelligence — has not achieved celebrity status. Nor is he likely to do so. Yet more than anyone else in or out of uniform, Vickers embodies the war on terror's latest phase.

With former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates gone, Vickers is the senior remaining holdover from George W. Bush's Pentagon. His background is nothing if not eclectic. He previously served in the Army Special Forces and as a CIA operative. In the 1980s he played a leading role in supporting the Afghan mujahedin in their war against Soviet occupiers. Subsequently, he worked in a Washington think tank and earned a doctorate in strategic studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Even during the Bush era, Vickers never subscribed to expectations that the United States could liberate or pacify the Islamic world. His preferred approach to combating terrorism is simplicity itself. “I just want to kill those guys,” he likes to say, “those guys” referring to members of Al Qaeda. Kill the people who want to kill Americans and don't stop until they are all dead: This defines the Vickers strategy, which has now become U.S. strategy.

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War”

Mini-Me: 28 Feb Country-wide General Strike in India

Who? Mini-Me?

Get past the communist source. Focus on the substance. Focus on the fact that no one in the West is paying attention, no western media is reporting on this.  Then focus on the fact that India is the largest most complex diverse country on the planet.

Why this Countrywide General Strike?

People's Democracy: Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)  Vol XXXVI No 8 19 Feb 2012


THE working class of the country is gearing up for the all India general strike on February 28, the 14th general strike in the last two decades. The call for the general strike, on the basis of a ten point charter of demands, was given jointly by all the eleven central trade unions in the country.

It is for the first time in the history of our trade union movement that both the INTUC and the BMS have joined the other central trade unions to call for a countrywide general strike. In addition, many independent all India federations of workers and employees in different sectors like state and central government departments, defence, public sector undertakings, insurance, banks, telecom, road transport, port and dock and of medical representatives, etc have endorsed the strike call. Several federations held joint sectoral conventions that called upon their members to participate in the strike.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: 28 Feb Country-wide General Strike in India”