DefDog: Michael Thomas on Wall Street’s Big Lie


The Big Lie

Michael Thomas

Wall Street has destroyed the wonder that was America.

Imagine a vast field on which a terrible battle has recently been fought, the bare ground cratered by fusillade after fusillade of heavy artillery, trees reduced to blackened stumps, wisps of toxic gas hanging in the gray, and corpses everywhere.

A terrible scene, made worse by the sound of distant laughter, because somehow, on the heights commanding the dead zone, the officers’ club has made it through intact. From its balconies flutter bunting, and across the blasted landscape there comes a chorus of hearty male voices in counterpoint to the wheedling of cadres of wheel-greasers, the click of betting chips, the orotund declamations of a visiting congressional delegation: in sum, the celebratory hullabaloo of a class of people that has sent entire nations off to perish but whose only concern right now is whether the ’11 is ready to drink and who’ll see to tipping the servants. The notion that there might be someone or some force out there getting ready to slouch toward the buttonwood tree to exact retribution scarcely ruffles the celebrants’ joy.

Ah, Wall Street. As it was in the beginning, is now, and hopes to God it ever will be, world without end. Amen.

Or so it seems to me. It was in May 1961 that a series of circumstances took me from the hushed precincts of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I was working as a curatorial assistant in the European Paintings Department, to Lehman Brothers, to begin what for the next 30 years would be an involvement—I hesitate to call it “a career”—in investment banking. I would promote and execute deals, sit on boards, kiss ass, and lie through my teeth: the whole megillah.


As 2011 slithers to its end, none of the major problems that led to the crisis point three years ago have really been solved. Bank balance sheets still reek. Europe day by day becomes a financial black hole, with matter from the periphery being sucked toward the center until the vortex itself collapses. The Street and its ministries of propaganda have fallen back on a Big Lie as old as capitalism itself: that all that has gone wrong has been government’s fault. This time, however, I don’t think the argument that “Washington ate my homework” is going to work. This time, a firestorm is going to explode about the Street’s head—and about time, too.

Read full article.

PhiBetaIota:  Both Congress and Wall Street are oblivious to the perfect storm.  The article is strongly recommended for a full reading.

See Also:

Review (Guest): Liar’s Poker–Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street

Review: Gods of Money – Wall Street and the Death of the American Century

Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Review: The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown–Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash

George Soros: Eleven Economic Insights + RECAP

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks


Steve Denning: Itemization of How We Blew Up the World

Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail? + US Fraud RECAP

Michael Bauwens: Occupy Movement Alive and Well

Michel Bauwens

Flurry of local #OccupyWallStreet actions and successes show strength and staying power of movement

Excerpted via Rose Aguilar:

” the movement is far from dead.

Here in California, the movement is exploding. In a recent study called “Diffusion of the Occupy Movement in California,” UC Riverside researchers surveyed 482 incorporated towns and cities in California and found that 143 – nearly 30 percent – had Occupy sites on Facebook between December 1 and December 8.

According to the study, many of the small and medium-sized towns are active with likes, posts and events on their Facebook pages. For example, the town of Arcata has about 17,000 people and 2,950 subscriptions on their page.

“The Occupy Barstow website proclaimed that Barstow is ‘about as far from Wall Street as you can get.’ But the Barstow occupiers probably did not know that there were also Occupy actions in Weaverville, Idyllwild, Calistoga, El Centro and many other small California towns, even in very remote areas,” write professor of sociology Christopher Chase-Dunn and graduate student Michaela Curran-Strange.

And the majority of Occupy cities are not in the Northern, more liberal, part of the state. They are almost equally divided between the north and south.

Continue reading “Michael Bauwens: Occupy Movement Alive and Well”

Richard Winger: Eight National Parties – One Law and They are ALL on ALL State Ballots [Federal Races Only]

Richard Winger

The Federal Election Commission recognizes 8 parties as national committees.

They are:

Natural Law

The FEC has no mechanism to de-list a party that has gone defunct. The Natural Law Party is defunct, except it is still on the ballot and active in Michigan.

Previous Post from Richard Winger:

Richard Winger: Yes, Congress Can Pass a Law Mandating That All National Party Candidates for Federal Offices Appear on All State Ballots

PhiBetaIota:  If we all come together, we can force Congress to pass a law that mandates all eight parties appearing on all state ballots for all federal offices.  We can do this in time for November 2012.  This is the “one thing” we can all come together on, and it would then impact on Electoral College allocation (proportional vice winner take all) and on participation in the rigged two-party presidential debates that are an outrage and offensive to all thinking citizens who appreciate the divesity that once chacterized the debates as managed by the League of Women Voters.

USA: Wealth Gap Widens Between Members of Congress and Their Constituents

By Peter Whoriskey
The Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2011

But the financial gap between Americans and their representatives in Congress has widened considerably since then, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by The Washington Post.

Between 1984 and 2009, the median net worth of a member of the House has risen 2 1 / 2 times, according to the analysis of financial disclosures, rising from $280,000 to $725,000 in inflation-adjusted dollars.

Over the same period, the wealth of an American family has declined slightly, with the median sliding from $20,600 to $20,500, according to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics from the University of Michigan.

Read full article.


USA: Americans Elect a Fraud Machine?



Americans Elect a Fraud Machine?

Posted on


Alert citizens appear to have Americans Elect fully understood.  It could still be captured for good, but right now it is corrupt beyond imagination.

Enhancing Democracy or Strengthening the Emerging Oligarchy: Which Will It Be?

Joseph Firestone

Corrente, 19 December 2011


This is the fifth in a series of posts on some of these new web-based platforms and how they relate to this central question of oligarchy vs. democracy. The first, “A System-Changing Solution for the OWS Movement?”, which I co-authored with Nancy Bordier, compared and contrasted two alternatives available to OWS, the Interactive Voter Choice System and Americans Elect (AE). The second focused on AE. The third analyzed No Labels (NL), and the fourth covered Here, I’ll explore in more detail the question of the relationships among AE, No Labels, and, and explicitly consider the possibility of some combination of the three organizations, whether formal or informal, working together to impact the political system. I’ll also discuss the likely implications of such a combination for the American body politic.

Read full analysis.

See Also:


Beware “Americans Elect” [Ron Paul the Daily Paul]

Irregular Times on Americans Elect Fraud

Third Party Group “Americans Elect” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? [Daily Kos]

Will “Americans Elect” Their President in 2012? [OpEd News]

Americans Elect Part IV: Paying Big Money for Signatures [Oregon]

Americans Elect: The Truth Behind the Corporate Scheme to Swipe the 2012 Election

Richard Winger: US Ballot Access & Americans Elect

Open Voting Consortium Video & Website


Open Voting Consortium Video & Website

Open Voting Consortium (OVC) provided a voting system for the LinuxWorld conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco, Aug 5-7. The system is called an Electronic Ballot Printer, which prints voters’ choices in the voting booth.

Phi Beta Iota: Write-In voting has since been fully integrated.

USA: Ron Paul Under Attack for 1980’s Newsletter


Letter Reveals How Ron Paul Cashed in on Paranoia

Tim Murphy

Mother Jones, 23 December 2011

Even as he’s climbed to the top of the polls in Iowa and gone so far as to preemptively claim victory in New Hampshire, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) has spent much of the last week distancing himself from racist and homophobic articles that appeared in his eponymous newsletter in the 1980s and early 1990s. In part, that’s because anxious conservatives have decided to make an issue of it—last week, the Weekly Standard dispatched James Kirchik to rehash his original 2008 bombshell on the newsletters. It’s also because, as Dave Weigel explains, Paul has failed to put together a coherent response. On Wednesday, Paul walked out of an interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger when she pressed him on his role in publishing them.

The story hasn’t gone away, and now Reuters has the latest: A newly unearthed subscription pitch circa 1993, this time bearing the signature of Paul himself. It reads like a caricature of the conspiratorial, unhinged, early ’90s militia movement, the kind of thing that would make the John Birch Society blush. Written in the first person, it warns of threats from the “demonic fraternity” we know of as Yale’s Skull and Bones society, the Trilateral Commission, the “perverted, pagan” rituals at Bohemian Grove, a global government, “the coming race war,” the Council on Foreign Relation, and FEMA. Paul (or his ghostwriter, at least) carefully explains that you can trust his view that the federal government is behind AIDS, because he’s a doctor:

Read rest of article.

BigBatUSA:  The race war is over the top but real in the sense that Texas anticipated the illegal immigrant waves decades before Arizona, everything else solid including the threat to the public health of federally-mandated vaccinations.  On balance we give Ron Paul an A+ for seeing threats to the Republic decades in advance, a C- for not anticipating that political correctness (from Mother Jones of all places) might try to undermine him at some distant date when most–not all–of his fears have been validated by the passage of time and the exposure of the massive financial crime syndicate that Matt Taibbi, from Rolling Stone, and John Bogle of Vanguard, say is every bit as bad as Ron Paul anticipated.

See Also:

Gary North: Ron Paul EXPOSED — Real Reason Two-Party Tyranny is Terrified He Might Win in 2012