Yoda: End of Servers III – BitTorrent Maelstrom — Open Power Beginning to Rock!

BitTorrent Tests Websites Hosted in the Crowd, Not the Cloud An experimental browser shows how peer-to-peer technology can serve up entire websites, not just individual files. An experimental new Web browser makes it possible for sites to be hosted not on a company’s servers but, instead, by a shifting crowd of individuals on their personal …

Michel Bauwens: Open Cooperativism for the P2P Age

Open Cooperativism for the P2P Age Our recommendations for the new era of open cooperativism are: 1. That coops need to be statutorily (internally) oriented towards the common good 2. That coops need to have governance models including all stakeholders

Reflections: Open Letter to the President — We Lack Intelligence with Integrity — Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan

We Lack Intelligence with Integrity Mr. President: Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan Mr. President, I hold Jim Clapper, today the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and previously the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI) accountable for failing to serve the public interest all these years. I believe you should fire him, Mike Vickers the …

Yoda: EU pledges €14m to bring Britain’s open data success to the continent

Data only? EU pledges €14m to bring Britain’s open data success to the continent The EU is putting €14m (£10.9m) behind open data in a bid to replicate the success of the UK’s Open Data Institute (ODI). €7.8m will fund the Open Data Incubator for Europe, while the remaining money will go towards a research network …