Sepp Hasslberger: Electromagnetic Purity & Pollution

It’s about those phones and the waves they make… The implications of non-linear biological oscillations on human electrophysiology for electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) EXTRACT: Altered ‘informational content’ of environmental cues can swamp natural electromagnetic cues and result in dysregulation of normal biological rhythms that direct growth, development, metabolism and repair mechanisms. Pulsed electromagnetic …

Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War 1.3

AFGHANISTAN: Another Red Line Crossed: The Taverna attack and the killing of foreigners just because they were foreigners AFGHANISTAN: Complex Attack on Central Kabul Restaurant AL QAEDA: Alex Schmid on Al-Qaeda’s “Single Narrative” and Attempts to Develop Counter-Narratives: The State of Knowledge AL QAEDA: Key anti-Assad rebel leader acknowledges al Qaida past, potentially complicating U.S. …

Event: 1 Mar 14 Registration Closes 7 Mar 14 Amsterdam ‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’

‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’ Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland http://www.nisa‐ Conference organised by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association on 7 March 2014 at the Royal Netherlands Navy Barracks Kattenburgerstraat 7 te 1000 BA Amsterdam. Note: at the entrance identification …