Rickard Falkvinge: Swedish National Prosecutor Says Sharing Music/Movies Funds Terrorism

Swedish National Prosecutor Says Sharing Music/Movies Must Be Punished Harshly, Because “It Funds Terrorism” In a remarkably ignorant statement, the Swedish National Prosecutor has appealed a culture-sharing sentence to the Supreme Court with the motivation that sharing culture and knowledge “funds terrorism”. This follows a verdict from the Appeals Court that would have put an …

Rickard Falkvinge: Swarmwise – The Tactical Manual to Changing the World Chapter Four

Swarmwise – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter Four. Swarm Management:  People’s friends are better marketers toward those people than you, for the simple reason that they are those people’s friends, and you are not. Swarmwise chapters – one chapter per month 1. Understanding The Swarm 2. Launching Your Swarm 3. Getting Your …

Rickard Falkvinge: Icelandic Pirate Party WINS, Enters Parliament

Icelandic Pirate Party WINS, Enters Parliament Pirate Parties:  The Icelandic Pirate Party has entered Parliament. This is clear as all the votes have been counted, with the Pirate Party at 5.1% as final result, just above the five-percent barrier to entry. EXTRACT: The Icelanders are something of a phenomenon, even within the quickly-growing Pirate Party …

Rickard Falkvinge: Corrupt Politicians Corrupt Businesses

Corrupt Banks, Corrupt Copyright Industry: Why Do They Get To Externalize Business Problems? Corruption:  We are in a trend where politicians believe that some business failures are everybody’s problem, but when the same businesses succeed, they get to keep all the profits. This is a ridiculous and counterproductive way to build a functioning economy, and …

Rickard Falkvinge: Government Terrorizes Boston — Say What?

Terrorists Tried to Terroize Boston — They Succeeded Last night, the city of Boston, Massachusetts and some surrounding suburbs shut down. The only people on the streets were heavily armed police and military. Most businesses closed, many hospitals closed, and people were ordered to stay in their homes. Why? Because a 19-year-old terror suspect was …

Rickard Falkvinge: Smash Copyright [and Flush DRM]

Let’s Reform Copyright. With A Sledgehammer. Into Smithereens One of the better attempts at solving the problems with the copyright monopoly has been Creative Commons. Creative Commons does great work in encouraging creative people to think differently about the copyright monopoly, and about what other people are allowed to do with their work. Unfortunately, there’s …

Rickard Falkvinge: Icelandic Píratar On Final Approach To Election Victory + Pirate RECAP

Pirate Parties:  A new poll today places the Icelandic Pirate Party in parliament, with their election three weeks out. This follows a continuous and rapid ascent for the Icelandic Pirate Party. The poll will probably have the additional effect of putting the media spotlights on the party, further accelerating its growth. The poll gives the …