Anthony Judge: Investing Attention Essential to Viable Growth Radical self-reflexive reappropriation of financial skills and insights

Investing Attention Essential to Viable Growth Radical self-reflexive reappropriation of financial skills and insights Introduction Beyond investing attention in attention economics Psychology of investing attention as a missing dimension Investing attention in interesting opportunities Varieties of investment and their implication for investment of attention Alternative “alternative investments” — of attention? Reconciling varieties of investment of …

Berto Jongman: Massive New Mortgage Fraud Cover-Up — Government Complicit in Persistent Financial Crime Practices and Fraudulent Databases

Massive new fraud coverup: How banks are pillaging homes — while the government watches When financial crimes go unpunished, the root problem of fraud never gets fixed — and these are the consequences Joseph and Mary Romero of Chimayo, N.M., found that their mortgage note was assigned to the Bank of New York three months …

Jean Lievens: Spanish Civil Financial Disobedience – the Story of Enric Duran and the Catalan Integrated Cooperative

With thanks to Stacco Toncoso at P2P Foundation. “Come Back” is a full-length documentary film detailing the aftermath of Spanish activist Enric Duran’s notorious action against 16 major banks. In case you’re not familiar with his act of “financial civil disobedience”, Duran attained roughly half a million Euros in bank loans and subsequently distributed the …

Berto Jongman: Economic Misleading Indicators and Financial Crashes Explained

(Mis)leading Indicators Why Our Economic Numbers Distort Reality Zachary Karabell Foreign Affairs, March/April 2014 The indicators invented in the twentieth century were among the most important innovations of their time. But in a world where anyone with a smartphone can access more data than a team of statisticians could in 1950, governments, businesses, and individuals …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Lawsuit Includes Presidents and Princes — Could This Be the Beginning of the End for the Elite Pedophiles, Both Political and Financial?

We have an ongoing trial of a very high justice ministry official who has been protected by three succeeding Ministers of Justice. Every week there are new testimonies of witnesses and officials now telling stories to the media. Pedophillia Lawsuit: Slave Children Forced to Have Sex With “Royalty, Politicians, Academicians” Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit …

SchwartzReport: Health — and Kindness — Are A) Vital Part of Socio-Economic & Ideo-Cultural Health and B) Destroyed by Legalized Financial Corruption

Larry Dossey, one of the founders of the alternative and complementary medicine movement — and an SR reader, I am happy to say — has been studying the consequences of policy decisions that do not make national wellness a priority for four decades. Here is his excellent essay on what he calls “The Health Consequences …

4th Media: China as Financial Stabilizer for Latin America?

“China Has Good Reason to Help Stabilize Latin American Economies” Although these alliances will primarily be closer to home, most of Latin America is a naturally ally not only because of its increasing trade and commercial relations with China, but because of its common interest in an international political order that favors respect for national …