Open Power: Revolution Now! Non-Violently — for Electoral Reform Act of 2015 in Time for 2016

Revolution Now – Non-Violently – for Electoral Reform in 2015 Want an Honest Government Of, By, and For We the 99%? Here’s How. Robert David STEELE Vivas (Native-Born Bi-Lingual Pissed-Off Latino Activist) I cannot stress this enough: whatever your issue, however righteous and important it might be, it will never get a fair hearing as …

2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence

Short URL: As published: Spanda CI–Applied collective intelligence Citation: Steele, R.D. (2014) “Applied Collective Intelligence: Human-Centric Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything,” Spanda Journal (Vol. 2, pp 127-137) ABSTRACT: The emerging discipline of Collective Intelligence (CI) has been mis-directed by a combination of the faddish focus on “wisdom of the crowds” …

Tom Atlee: Polarization

Last August-September I wrote “Polarization, Conversation, and Collective Intelligence” – my most thorough exploration of polarization – at the request of the Integral Leadership Review. It was not published on the date I expected and I finally moved on to other things. Only today did I discover that it has indeed been published.* So now …

Stephen Marrin: Improving Intelligence Studies as an Academic Discipline

Improving Intelligence Studies as an Academic Discipline Intelligence and National Security, 22 October 2014 In recent years there has been significant growth in the numbers and kinds of intelligence-related educational and training opportunities, with the knowledge taught in these courses and programs derived from the body of intelligence studies scholarship. The question posed here is: …