NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Flags Going Islamic – Pakistan as Islamic Israel

Pakistan: A Pakistani military court convicted five military officers, including Brigadier Ali Khan, for maintaining links to a banned organization. The Brigadier is the most senior of the five and received a sentence of five years in prison. The others received sentences of 18 months to three years. The army did not name the banned …

Theophillis Goodyear: US Propaganda Disaster? Officers Taught They Must “Nuke” Islam? + RECAP

According to Wired Magazine: U.S. Military Officers Taught: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam EXTRACT: For the better part of the last decade, a small cabal of self-anointed counterterrorism experts has been working its way through the U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, trying to convince whoever it could that America’s real …

Reference: World Almanac of Islamism + RECAP

The American Foreign Policy Council’s World Almanac of Islamism is a comprehensive resource designed to track the rise or decline of radical Islam on a national, regional and global level. This database focuses on the nature of the contemporary Islamist threat around the world, and on the current activities of radical Islamist movements worldwide. Click …

Koko: CIA Bows to Islamic Radicals, with Strong Comment on Need for Religious Counterintelligence

Below is an exact reprint from the Association For Intelligence Officers (AFIO).   HOWEVER, AFIO does not endorse the tone of the article, only the fact of its appearance. The CIA Should be a bit more ‘CAIR’less. This week, a three-day conference hosted by the CIA on “homegrown radicalization” was supposed to have taken place at …

Mario Profaca: FBI Idiot’s Guide to Islam

What does this tell us about the intelligence and cultural literacy of the FBI training “leaders?” FBI Recommended ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide,’ Anti-Muslim Books To New Agents The FBI was telling new bureau recruits as recently as Jan. 2009 that Islam “transforms [a] country’s culture into 7th Century Arabian ways” and recommending a book written by …

Islam is winning the ideological war — USG Helping

From Geostrategy Direct A recent study by the Pew Research Center indicates that 10 years after the September 11 attacks, support for Islamic fundamentalism is growing within the Muslim world and that U.S. efforts to produce an ideological counterproposal to Islamic terrorism have fallen short. Statistics released May 17 reveal, for example, that 47 percent …