4th Media: Years Later, Millions of Dollars Later, Obama Administration Admits They [and James Clapper Specificially] Lied to the Courts and Claimed “Terrorism” To Cover Up a Simple Mistake

How Obama Officials Cried ‘Terrorism’ to Cover Up a Paperwork Error David Kravets | Sunday, February 23, 2014 After seven years of litigation, two trips to a federal appeals court and $3.8 million worth of lawyer time, the public has finally learned why a wheelchair-bound Stanford University scholar was cuffed, detained and denied a flight …

David Swanson: Citizen Activists Against Drones as Crime Against Humanity in Court from Coast to Coast

Citizen Activists Across the U.S. in Courts This Week for Protesting U.S. Weaponized Drones WHO: Citizen activists from the east coast to the west coast will be in court this week defending their actions protesting the United States Military and Central Intelligence Agency weaponized drone program. WHAT: The first trial will begin Monday February 3 …

Rickard Falkvinge: File-Sharing Hunt Violates Human Rights (Per European Court)

Reminder 2: Hunt For File-Sharers Violates Fundamental Human Rights (Says The European Court Of Human Rights) Copyright Monopoly:  Happy Yule, everybody! In our series of reminders about important talkbacks, we’ve come to the reminder that the act of hunting for people who share culture and knowledge online violates their fundamental human rights, as doing so …

Berto Jongman: The Terror Courts – An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture — and the Military Prosecutor Who Refused Illegal Orders — at Guantanamo, Cuba

“The Terror Courts”: An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture at Guantánamo Bay Wall Street Journal journalist Jess Bravin reports on the controversial military commissions at Guantánamo. Describing it as “the most important legal story in decades,” Bravin uncovers how the Bush administration quickly drew up an alternative legal system to try men captured abroad …

Eagle: Small Victory in Court Smash-Down of US Martial Law

Chris Hedges’ Columns A Victory for All of Us truthdig, May 18, 2012 By Chris Hedges In January, attorneys Carl Mayer and Bruce Afran asked me to be the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that challenged the harsh provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). We filed …

Event: 20 January Occupy the Courts

Inspired by our friends at Occupy Wall Street, and Dr. Cornel West, Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark the second anniversary of the infamous Citizens United v. FEC decision! Occupy the Courts will be a one day occupation of Federal courthouses across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on Friday January 20, 2012. Move to Amend …