Robert Steele: Can Thomson Reuters [or Bloomberg] Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain?

Can TR Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain? As delivered to TR executives on 18 February 2016. There is no evidence anyone brought this memorandum to the attention of the TR CEO. It merits comment that when Michael Bloomberg was Mayor of New York, he answered my letter and hence got it — all …

Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price Short URL: Salient Points: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are not achievable using the prevailing paradigm of donors, intermediaries, and industrial-era proprietary technologies and costs. The SDG goals can be achieved at a …

Stephen E. Arnold: How Big Data Is Missing the Mark

How Big Data Is Missing the Mark At this point in the Big Data sensation, many businesses are swimming in data without the means to leverage it effectively. TechWeek Europe cites a recent survey from storage provider Pure Storage in its write-up, “Big Data ‘Fails Businesses’ Due to Access, Skills Shortage.” Interestingly, most of the …

Sepp Hasslberger: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with Comments from Phi Beta Iota Editors

This is about de-centralising the net, distributing the data to the periphery where it’s needed, rather than running everything through big data pipes and central servers… HTTP is obsolete. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web HTTP is broken. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia …