Robert Steele: Healing America with the Truth

Despite the fact that many critical care specialists are using treatment protocols that differ from standard of care, information about natural therapeutics in particular are still being suppressed by the media and is not received by critical care physicians Five critical care physicians have formed the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC). The …

Phil Giraldi: Zionists Seek to Shut You Up — Free Speech a Felony If It Tells the Truth About Genocidal Apartheid Criminal Zionism (Never to Be Confused with Judaism)

Zionists Have Feelings Too Words to criticize Israel are fast disappearing Words are important because how they are used and their context shapes the understanding of the reader or listener. In the United States there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while simultaneously making anti-Semitism a hate crime …

Donald J. Trump: Q Deleted by Facebook? Time for Trump Truth Channel and Web 3.0?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 55376d No.9039589 May 5 2020 12:11:10 (EST) NEW “We removed 5 Pages, 20 Facebook accounts, and 6 Groups that originated in the US and focused domestically. Our investigation linked this activity to individuals associated with the QAnon network known to spread fringe conspiracy theories. We found this activity as part of our …