DefDog: Afghanistan security deal Obama signed has holes

This represents one of the dishonorable acts a politician can commit. Using other people’s lives to win an election…….a clear indication of the lack of integrity of an individual who holds the highest office of the land….and the speech sounds like it was modeled after LBJ’s equally incoherent speech in the closing days of Viet-Nam.  …

Reference: US Military Information Operations in Afghanistan

U.S. Military Information Operations in Afghanistan Effectiveness of Psychological Operations 2001-2010 The U.S. Marine Corps, which has long recognized the importance of influencing the civilian population in a counterinsurgency environment, requested an evaluation of the effectiveness of the psychological operations (PSYOP) element of U.S. military information operations in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2010 based on …

Mini-Me: The Bin Laden Road Show – Toward November 2012

Huh? Bin Laden’s last stand: In final months, terrorist leader worried about his legacy Joby Warrick Washington Post, April 30, 9:01 PM A few months before Osama bin Laden’s death, Web sites linked to al-Qaeda ran excited commentary about a proposed new killing machine dubbed the “human lawn mower.” The idea was to attach rotating blades to …

David Swanson: 1939 Essay Predicted Hitler, Predicts US Dictatorship

The Global War on Terror, in the Original German By David Swanson In 1939, Sebastian Haffner sat down and wrote a pre-history of Nazism. Nazism had not been inevitable. It had not progressed steadily without setbacks. But it had been growing for many years, even before the name for it existed. It had been coming …

DefDog: Illegal DoD PSYOP Against US Media?

They probably should’ve stuck with leaflets and greeting cards. Note that there had been a scathing report on an Army Contractor…… USA Today: Online Pentagon Payback Campaign Targeted Us Katie Drummond WIRED, April 20, 2012 The U.S. military’s propaganda activities — known formally and euphemistically as “information operations” — has this week faced serious accusations …

NIGHTWATCH: US “Leaders” Do Not Know Squat About War or Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN COMMENT: The photos published by the Los Angeles Times have been covered extensively by the US press, except for a few minor issues not mentioned by any news services. First of all, an Islamic suicide bomber is not someone who has abused his body, as some pundits opined today. On the contrary, he is …