Vendor Pitch Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Vendor Fleming Icosystem 2006 US Vendor Lederman Deep Web Technologies 2006 US Vendor Proctor IBM’s Text Analytic OS Architecture 2006 US Vendor Ruh CISCO’s Application Oriented Network 2004 US Vendor Dietz LEXIS-NEXIS Open Sources on North Korea 2004 US Vendor Dietz Top Ten Stories on North Korea 2001 US Vendor NA Bright Planet …

Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence

May 3, 2006 Citizens Party, part II Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence By: Robert D. Steele Introduction If we want an extraordinary future for all of our children, America and Americans must embrace reality. While, as a society, we may have recently found it comfortable to ignore reality, reality is most assuredly going forward, …