4th Media: We Don’t Make This Stuff Up! — Occupy as a Form of Rising Anarchism

The New Politics of the 21st Century: Global Resistance and Rising Anarchism A number of occurrences have taken place of the past 13 years since the rise of the new millennium; we have seen and are seeing the rise of popular movements all over the world and a resistance to the forces of imperialism, capitalism, …

Graphic: USA — 11 Separate Nations Today + Americas RECAP + Book Review

Source Note: Graphic does not properly show First Nation, including Greenland and larger than the USA, with roughly 300,000 inhabitants and in pole position (pun intented) to be the future core for humanity. Tip of the Hat to SchwartzReport UPDATED 19 FEB 14: Review: American Nations – A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media and News – Amazing Graphic + Comment on Amazon & Wikipedia

Social Media and News: Amazing Graphic “News Use across Social Media Platforms” confirms what I have suspected for a while. The mobile generation has some interesting behavior patterns with regard to news. Among the factoids that the Pew outfit has boiled down to numbers are: ITEM: YouTube viewers are not using the service to get …

SmartPlanet: Staggering Costs of Fukushima Clean Up (Never Mind Toxicity Blowing East) + Fukushima RECAP

The staggering costs to clean up Fukushima More than two years since the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, the Fukushima power plant meltdown is still a major, global environmental problem. And the staggering price tag for cleaning it up continues to rise. The Japanese government just announced that it’s borrowing about $30 billion more to …

Del Spurlock: Call to Arms — The People’s Army

The Objective force is one which maximizes the SECURITY of the American people. The American Security regime is a con and has been since Korea. All players–including Zion and Saud–have an interest in maximizing the INsecurity of the American people. DHS was the last imperial structure to be put in place. PRISM,et.al. was designed and …

Yoda: On Religion – Link List

Overheard at dinner in Afghanistan: Religion is the space between the dots, science the dots, and philosophy the mind-set that blends the two. Education, intelligence (decision-support) and research are the sources and methods for achieving integral consciousness — godliness in spirt, integrity in fact, and heaven on earth in community. Religions can be evaluated in …

Berto Jongman: Does Power Make You Mean? Yes. Also Stupid and Very, Very Unethical

Does power make you mean? By Susanne Gargiulo CNN October 24, 2013 “Thinking Business” focuses on the psychology of getting ahead in the workplace by exploring techniques to boost employee performance, increase creativity and productivity. (CNN) — We all know the story. Someone gets promoted at work and suddenly they change — they start forgetting …