Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert Heibel

PLATINUM LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Professor Robert Heibel Professor Robert Heibel, a veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is unique for having established both an undergraduate and a graduate program in intelligence and research analysis.  His pioneering efforts have provided varied intelligence communities with very high-quality individuals, properly trained, at a time when their respective …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Francis Heylighen

Francis Heylighen is a research professor at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), where he directs the Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group. His research is focused on the self-organization and evolution of complex, intelligent systems consisting of many interacting agents. He is editor of the Principia Cybernetica Project for the development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy, …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mister Jalopy

Mister Jalopy is a fearlessly experimental welder, woodworker, bicycle mechanic, writer, photographer, embroiderer, artist, electronics troubleshooter, teacher, furniture rebuilder, garage saler, activist, wheeler dealer, street racer, blogger, editor, auto mechanic, speaker, fabricator, builder, large appliance repairman, columnist, designer and entrepreneur. Empowering consumers to be able to repair, rebuild, reuse and reinvent the products they invest …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Paul Martin

Paul Martin was the 21st Prime Minister of Canada and is the Member of Parliament for LaSalle-Émard in Montreal, Quebec. He was first elected federally in 1988. Currently Martin co-chairs, with Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai, a $100 million poverty alleviation fund for the Congo Rainforest Basin and is leading a new initiative in Northern Ontario …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jean-François Noubel

Founder and President of www.TheTransitioner.org, an international research network and think tank of pioneers who are committed to support the emergence of global wisdom driven organizations. Formerly he was one of the co-founders of AOL France and led an assortment of innovative high-tech companies. Collective intelligence: From pyramidal to global Update of 23 Aug 09: …