2013 Robert Steele Reflections on Alternative Command & Control (AltC2) — Five Questions and a Game Plan 1.1

1.1 Adds contribution “An API for NATO” from Innovation Hub participant laukner, and adds Open Source Everything (OSE) graphic that most of us agree is the necessary technical transformation that must take place for the UN, EU, NATO, BRICS, and others to be effective at M4IS2 and creating a prosperous world at peace, a world …

Chuck Spinney: Imperial Idiocy Wrecks Middle East (Fruits of Treason) — End of Sykes-Picot Betrayal, Five Inter-Mixed Conflicts, Return of the Tribes

Patrick Cockburn has written a very important essay on Syria in the London Review of Books (attached below).  The essay is aptly titled but has only a few oblique, albeit important, references to Sykes – Picot Agreement, a document some readers may not familiar with.  Let’s begin with a little background. The Sykes-Picot agreement (it …

Berto Jongman: Explicit Photos of US Uniform Rapes of Iraqi Girls — and US Cover-Up Re-Surfacing in Asia and Europe

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge Phi Beta Iota:  The rest of the world is sick of US misbehavior, upset at the continued posture of the US Government in covering up rather than remediating such persistent abuses, and saddened by the idiocy and passivity of the …

Berto Jongman: Beyond Prism — Even More — Lots Lots More — Data Capture

Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure By STEPHEN BRAUN, ANNE FLAHERTY, JACK GILLUM and MATT APUZZO WASHINGTON (AP) — In the months and early years after 9/11, FBI agents began showing up at Microsoft Corp. more frequently than before, armed with court orders demanding information on customers. Around the world, government spies and …

Berto Jongman: NSA Puts Full Force of the Government Against A Poem Containing the Word Terror — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

Cryptogams & the NSA John Sifton is an attorney at Human Rights Watch. He worked in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2001 to 2004 and was senior researcher on terrorism and counterterrorism from 2005 to 2007. He is currently the Asia Advocacy Director. The first thing I did after I heard about the highly classified NSA …