SchwartzReport: Big Sugar Does a Big Tobacco — True Cost of Sugar to Society

Does Sugar Kill? How the Sugar Industry Hid the Toxic Truth For decades, the industry kept scientists from asking: Does sugar kill? GARY TAUBES and CRISTIN KEARNS COUZENS – AlterNet (U.S.) November 15, 2012 | This article first appeared in Mother Jones Magazine. Get your magazine  subscription here. ON A BRISK SPRING Tuesday in 1976, a pair …

2012 Robert Steele: Addressing the Seven Sins of Foreign Policy — Why Defense, Not State, Is the Linch Pin for Global Engagement

Short Persistent URL: I wrote this with John Kerry and Michele Flourney in mind, but regardless of who is eventually made Secretary of Defense, the core concept remains: the center of gravity for massive change in the US Government and in the nature of how the US Government ineracts with the rest of the …

SmartPlanet: 4 Reasons Disruptive Innovation Fails – The Big One: Tyranny Represses Technology

Four reasons why meaningful, disruptive innovation fails By Andrew Nusca | October 25, 2012 “Why can’t we solve big problems?” asks Jason Pontin in MIT’s Technology Review. Technologist Paul Carr recently described the term disruption as “the faddish Silicon Valley concept which essentially boils down to, “let us do whatever we want, otherwise we’ll bully …