Sharyl Attkisson on Media Manipulation – Includes Excellent Slam on Wikipedia, An Absolutely Corrupt Enterprise Wholly-Owned by Special Interests

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman “Atroturf media manipulation more important than lobbying” to special interests seeking to achieve their goals. Those who disagree are “controversialized” (and often called “conspiracy-theorists,” a term invented by the CIA to marginalize activists in the 1960s. Wikipedia is a particularly pernicious source of mis-information in favor …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Begins to Understand Very High Cost of Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

Google: Technical Debt Has Implications for Some AI Cheerleaders If you are interested in smart software, you may want to read “Machine Learning: the High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt.” I like the credit card analogy. It combines big costs with what some folks see as a something-for-nothing feature of the modern world. … …

Jean Lievens: Social Europe on Digital Revolution – Impact on Work and Inequality

What Impact Does The Digital Revolution Have On Work And Inequality? The following is a transcript of a Social Europe podcast in which Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer discusses the impact of the Digital Revolution on the nature of work and inequality with Michael A. Osborne, Associate Professor in Machine Learning and Co-Director of the Oxford Martin …

SchwartzReport: Lobbying for War — and How Cheaply US Politicians Sell For….

The level of American corruption is breath-taking. Koch, Exxon And Other Big Oil Spend $141 Million Lobbying Washington For More War Phi Beta Iota: $141M is chump change. Beyond that are the tens of billions paid in fines for violating laws — e.g. $5B for manipulating the multi-trillion foreign exchange markets with tens of billions …

Berto Jongman: Legalized Financial Crime — LIBOR & Foreign Exchange Manipulation by City of London and Wall Street Excused By US & UK “Authorities”

History’s Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget To review the bidding, the LIBOR bid rigging cartel was the largest cartel in history, manipulating the prices of an estimated $300+ trillion in assets. That is a figure considerably larger than the world’s combined GDP. … Until recently, I called …