Search: ecological degradation

The better search term is Environmental Degradation, as this is officially the #3 high-level threat to humanity, after poverty and infectious disease.  Ecological Economics, also known as True Cost Economics, is the term used to actually understand environmental degradation in detail. Phi Beta Iota search on Environmental Degradation Google search on “Environmental Degradation” source=phibetaiota A …

David Isenberg: Intelligence On Demand in a Mobile Device – Hardy Har Har Choke Cough Gag with Comments by Robert Steele & RIchard Wright

INTEL-ON-DEMAND IN A WEB 2.0 WORLD IntelNews / by Timothy W Coleman Aug 21 2012 ► Aug 11. In the United States, the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), “the highest-level intelligence analysis targeted at the key national security issues and concerns of the President”, is increasingly going digital. For that matter, so is much of the …

Berto Jongman: Jorgen Randers Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

SUMMARY AND COMMENTS ON JORGEN RANDERS’ GLOBAL FORECAST FOR NEXT 40 YEARS 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Report to the Club of Rome. Jorgen Randers (Prof of Climate Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo). White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green, June 2012, 392p, $24.95pb. ( A report to the CoR commemorating …

Owl: US CDC FDA DHS Conflicts of Interest & Impeachable Act that Kill Citizens

Conflicts of Interest and Revolving Doors that Affect Health and Well Being This important article has various examples of government/private industry revolving door employment and conflicts of interest in the medical industrial complex that can and has killed people. Example of revolving door from it: “Joining a parade of other high-ranking government officials who pass …

2013 Robert Steele Foreword to NATO Book on Public Intelligence for Public Health

Short URL This Post: PDF:  Steele Foreword to NATO Internet Based (Public) Intelligence Foreword Robert David STEELE CEO, Earth Intelligence Network I am delighted to have an opportunity to welcome this book as a contribution to the growing body of work focused on the convergence of new technologies, new human possibilities, and new organizational …

John Steiner: Terry Patten with Jim Turner (Audio with Summary) – Liberating the “Innate Intelligence of the Body Politic”

Liberating the “Innate Intelligence of the Body Politic” by Terry Patten On Sunday, July 15th, longtime Washington DC attorney and natural health advocate, Jim Turner, joined me for an inspiring conversation on what he calls the “innate intelligence of the body politic.” It was unlike any of my previous dialogs, focusing (on the surface) not on …