Stephen E. Arnold: CyberTap (Engineering Centric) Kicks the Crap Out of “Advanced” Search (Sales Centric)

THE HONK (Email Subscription) As I was working through updates to the search vendor profiles on, I ran across a reference to Cybertap LLC. The company’s name rang a bell. I recalled an interview one of the goslings conducted with its founder in 2012. The point that caught my attention last week was a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elasticsearch Insights — and IDC Steals Arnold Report Costing $4, Sells for $3500

Elasticsearch Disrupts Open Source Search I did a series of reports about open source search. Some of these were published under mysterious circumstances by that leader of the azure chip consultants, IDC. You can see the $3,500 per report offers on the IDC site. Hey, I am not getting the money, but that’s what some …

Stephen E. Arnold: Baidu Chinese Search Engine Company Moves Against Google

Baidu, Chinese Search Engine Company Expands Into New Markets The article on ITWorld titled China’s Baidu Testing Search Engines for Brazil, Egypt, Thailand explores the ambition of China’s premier search engine. For some years the company has contemplated moving beyond China, and in 2008 began targeting Japan. Now they are readying to move into Egpyt, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Application Perspectives For 2014

Search Application Perspectives For 2014   With 2014 well under way, search experts are trying to predict what will happen for enterprise search. Search Appliance World has an article that takes a look on enterprise search in the past and future called, “The New Search Appliance Landscape: Reflections And Predictions With MaxxCAT.” Basic search commands …

Stephen E. Arnold: HP PR – Another Example of How Broken Modern Search Is…

A Sales Pitch for HP IDOL Conceptual search allows users to search by concepts and ideas within information rather than basic keywords and phrases. Great idea, except that that the idea of conceptual search has been around since 1999. HP is touting it as a entirely brand new idea in the article, “Analytics For Human …