Daniel Pinchbeck: Course on Exploring Other Worlds —

To deal with our changing circumstances, we must learn to maintain coherence and clear thinking while we open our minds to other levels of awareness and non-ordinary states of consciousness. These include the intuitive, psychic, mystical, and paranormal. This 5-week course from Daniel Pinchbeck and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens offers a new map of both the macrocosm – the external universe – …

Daniel Pinchbeck: Qanon, Burning Man, the failure of Neoliberalism, and the Occult

Qanon, Burning Man, the failure of Neoliberalism, and the Occult If Trump wins agains, one main reason will be that the Democrats forfeited their working class base more than a decade ago. Clinton and Obama embraced the empty promises and “social vaporware” of the tech sector, along with the financialized capitalism model of Wall Street. …

Parag Khanna: China is a big tree, but it is not the forest — Making peace in Asia

It’s not too late for Asia to avert disaster I recently had the opportunity to speak at length about Sino-Asian dynamics with David Barboza, founding editor of The Wire China. We discussed the dangerous China-centric bias is analysis of Asia, and the importance of understanding how weaker powers practice a shrewd “multi-alignment” (the term I coined …