Bin Laden Show 14: Dr. Dr. Steve Pieczenik Nails It — Bin Laden Died in 2001 — Reiterates (Has Proof) 9/11 Was a Cheney-Led Stand-Down False Flag Operation. Indictment?

Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag “It’s a total make-up, make believe, we’re in an American theater of the absurd….why are we doing this again….nine years ago this man was already dead….why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people,” asked Pieczenik. During his interview with …

Bin Laden Show 13: Patraeus Silent Like a Lamb, Jim Corrs Redux “They Dug Him Up and Killed Him Again” — General Hamid Gul on CIA Hoax That Will Backfire

From an engaged observer in Afghanistan: Is it just me or have you seen any comments by Petraeus over the Bin Laden affair?  I haven’t to date …… interesting, the silence from Kabul……. Jim Corr Challenges Bin Laden Death Publishing his own beliefs on his page and website, he writes, “They dug him …

Bin Laden Show 11: Unarmed, All Captured and Then Executed, No Photo of Bin Laden, No Explanations — Plus Col G. I. Wilson on Careerism and Psychopathy in US Military

The Reuters photos of the three other men appear to be head shots, execution style, suggesting they lacked weapons and did not resist. Source An Arabic TV station claimed the child had, in fact, said her father was taken prisoner and then shot, in an execution of sorts. Source “Bin Laden was then shot and …

Bin Laden Show 09: NIGHTWATCH Review

North Korea, India Reaction, Pakistan, Special Comment with Two Sources, Al Qaeda-US, Taliban Source: Asia Times, 3 May 2011, The Life and Death of Osama Bin Laden Source: Washington Post, 3 May 2011, Bin Laden discovered ‘hiding in plain sight’