Gregg Phillips: Three Million Illegal Votes — Data Backs Up Assertion by Donald Trump (Analytics, Algorithms, and Hundreds of Millions of Data Points)

Twitter Melted Down Over Three Million Illegal Votes I recently became internet famous for a tweet (above) after having been identified as the source for a similar tweet by President-elect Trump. Twitter blew up. I found myself wondering if I was really a Russian or Israeli spy. Did I really murder people in an armed …

Norie Huddle: The Assassination of WikiLeaks — Timeline and 30 Reasons Julian Assange Might be Dead or Renditioned

VIDEO: 30 Reasons Why Assange is in Room 101 TEXT: 30 Reasons Why Assange Might Not Be Alive This is a countdown timeline of events, which make a strong case that all may not be well with Julian Assange: 30) May 11th, Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks’ chief counsel dies of cancer. 29) June 10th, Seth Rich, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Attacks US Army, Geosparsing, DoD Buries In-Q-Tel, Digital Currencies Neither Anonymous nor Reliable

A Congressman Seems to Support Palantir Gotham for US Army Personnel: I was disappointed that a reference to the F 35 was not included. From my vantage point in Harrod’s Creek, the F 35 program is a more spectacular display of procurement goofs. Geoparsing Is More Magical Than We Think: The article acts as a …

Jean Lievens: Is Blockchain a Threat to the Distributed Internet? UPDATED with 2 Comments

Must  read. The blockchain is a threat to the distributed future of the Internet EXTRACT The need to replicate the whole chain of blocks on our computer is an insurmountable barrier to entry if you’re searching for an alternative to IBM, Amazon or Google. The Twister chain is still small, but think about how, to …