Martin Armstrong: Canada As First Deep State Prison State — Post-National State with No Core Identity

Why Alberta Better Exit Canada & Fast Trudeau is about as corrupt as they come. It is curious how the claimed left, who is so concerned about getting the rich back and being fair, is always the most corrupt. It reminds me of that famous line, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” from the play …

Alexandra Bruce: Deep State from CIA to Israel to Monsanto to Nazis to Romney . . .

“…It’s pretty stunning, to see the thread connecting Agent Orange, Monsanto, GMOs, IG Farben, Zyklon B, Adolf Hitler, Operation Paperclip, Standard Oil, Rockefeller medicine, Robert Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, Raytheon, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Ryan Seacrest, the Kardashians and the companies that manufacture the puberty-blockers and hormones that enable transgenderism and the large …