Vladimir Putin: New Rules or a Game Without Rules — Defining Responsible Powers and Investing in Human Capital Instead of Propaganda

New Rules or a Game without Rules: “We Need a New Global Consensus of Responsible Powers” We are publishing full text of today’s address of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the members of Vaidai International Discussion Club on 24 October 2014 in Sochi. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F9pQcqPdKo Complete Transcript Below the Fold — Strongly Recommended!

Jean Lievens: Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism – Indigenous Resistance is Changing World Politics (and Countering Predatory Capitalism)

Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics Written by Manuela Picq Monday, 02 June 2014 19:46 Indigeneity is an unusual way to think about International Relations (IR). Most studies of world politics ignore Indigenous perspectives, which are rarely treated as relevant to thinking about the international (Shaw 2008; Beier 2009).   Yet Indigenous …

Chuck Spinney: Michael Hudson on The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit

Long but well worth reading and thinking about. CS   The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit Michael Hudson [1] Posted on michaelhudson.com, 12 May 2014 http://michael-hudson.com/2014/05/the-new-cold-wars-ukraine-gambit/ Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and former Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Research at the Latvia Graduate School of Law. …

Yoda: True Cost Economics Model from Foundation Earth

Toward A True-Cost Economic Model: Cheater Economics, Fair Play, & Long-Term Survival Over the next century communities worldwide will experience an unprecedented shift of weather instability. Extreme weather events are ecological spasms often driving economic spasms and regional collapses. Concerned citizens and opinion leaders need to prepare before these eco-spasms proliferate. Far from being prepared, …

Berto Jongman: Full Text of Edward Snowden Testimony to European Parliament

PDF (12 Pages): Introductory Statement & Answer to Questions Highlights: 00 The included links are a “best of the best” selection of media stories. 01 EU security agencies have created a bazaar allowing NSA to get it all. 02 There are many other undisclosed programs. 03 According to Snowden, at least ten specific individuals are …

Tom Atlee: Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy

Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy The climate crisis is far more than an environmental issue. Adequately ramping up efforts to address it will require prioritizing a climate-justice movement which taps the potent activism of struggling peoples for whom social change is and has always been a matter of survival. …