Answers on OSINT for India 31 – OSINT Primer for Spies

Sir, I constantly encounter two issues: First, the spies think that Wikileaks and everything online is OSINT, they do not factor in analog sources or even human sources that are not controlled agents. Second, and related,  they think that the best open source information is to be found within the government agencies, and do not …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Slave Bracelet, China Says US IT Wide Open?

Headline from Phi Beta Iota. Original headlines below. The Amazon Bracelet: Is It Like Those Shock Collars Thingies? Yes, in addition to basics like heart rate, skin temperature, activity, and sleep, this late entry to the market collects information its rivals do not—body photos and voice recordings. Despite that, it offers surprisingly little in the …

Mongoose: Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents on Seth Rich and His Laptop

FBI needs a deep purge. Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents on Seth Rich and His Laptop For four years the FBI lied and said they had nothing on Seth Rich, but then today we learn that the FBI has 20,000 pages and a …

THE STEELE REPORT: Questions to Be Answered Saturday — and Seeking Topics for Monday Report

Arugah. Below the fold are the questions I will answer on video Saturday at 1 pm Eastern, I will do these in 30 minutes and then do impromptu questions via chat for the second thirty minutes. Sign up at The Steele Report if you wish.  Those enjoying the 4th will find the private video archived …

Breaking: DNI Clapper Complicity in Lying About Seth Rich and Russian Witchhunt?

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Following Last Week’s Release Attorney Clevenger Alleges Office of DNI Has Communications Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – Russia Collusion a Lie! ROBERT STEELE:  Jim Clapper is totally fucked.  This puts him right up there with John Brennan for a one way ticket to Guantanamo. Gina Haspel is also fucked — Chief of …