Owl: Manufactured Ebola Crisis — the Three Benefits for the 1% of a Biological 9/11

(Manufactured) Ebola Crisis is the Biological 9-11 for the Whole World – a Gift from the .01% Internet radio financial pundit Richard Martin recently stated: “”In 1915 there were 15 million horses in the US. By 1950, even though the human population had expanded exponentially, there were only 1 million horses, a result of the …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Crisis Focused on Stopping Russian-German Alliance

Professor Vladimir Golstein’s opinion piece (below) in Russia Insider presents a very interesting point of view, especially when one thinks about it in light of a recent poll by the German Marshall Fund portraying a sharp decline in positive attitudes in Germany toward America and President Obama.  According this report (in German), the poll found that only 58% of …

Yoda: Neil Irwin in NYT Gets Its Right – Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites — Robert Steele Comments + Book Review RECAP

At last, NYT gets something right. Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites Neil Irwin New York Times, 18 September 2014 When you get past the details of the Scottish independence referendum Thursday, there is a broader story underway, one that is also playing out in other advanced nations. It is a …

Patrick Meier: Crowdsourced Crisis Map of UAV/Aerial Videos for Disaster Response

Crowdsourced Crisis Map of UAV/Aerial Videos for Disaster Response The first version of the Humanitarian UAV Network’s Crisis Map of UAV/aerial videos is now live on the Network’s website. The crowdsourced map features dozens of aerial videos of recent disasters. Like social media, this new medium—user-generated (aerial) content—can be used by humanitarian organizations to complement their damage assessments and thus …