Berto Jongman: NSA’s War on Encryption

The NSA’s War Against Encryption New revelations about National Security Agency abuses, which now include everything from industrial espionage to reports that the agency can access most data on our smartphones, seem to put everything we know about how business is done on the Internet in danger. Complete story below the line.

Berto Jongman: Kenneth Roth in Politico – When Will Obama Get SDerious About NSA Reform?

When will Obama get serious about NSA reform? Kenneth Roth Politico, September 4, 2013 Last week, President Obama met with the five-member review board that he recently appointed to review the National Security Agency’s (NSA) controversial electronic surveillance program. The review board is part of the president’s effort to build confidence in the surveillance program and …

General and Ambassador Karl Eikenberry on the Persistent Failure of US Understanding in Afghanistan

使用谷歌翻译在下一列的顶部。 गूगल अगले स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद का प्रयोग करें. Google sonraki sütunun üstünde Çevir kullanın. Используйте Google Translate на вершине соседней колонке. گوگل اگلے کالم میں سب سے اوپر ترجمہ کا استعمال کریں. Emphasis below added by Milt Bearden, former CIA chief in Pakistan also responsible for the field aspects of the CIA’s …

David Swanson: Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying

Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying “U.S. prepares for possible retaliatory strike against Syria,” announces a Los Angeles Times headline, even though Syria has not attacked the United States or any of its occupied territories or imperial forces and has no intention to do so. Quoth the article: “the …

Worth a Look The Program from Hell [Indictment of the US Army Human Terrain System (HTS) — Over-Sold, Under-Performing]

The Program from Hell Authored by John Stanton This is a story of ongoing alleged fraud, waste, abuse; a murder, KIA’s, WIA’s, cover ups, a hostage taking, and incompetence at the highest levels of the US Army’s TRADOC G-2. It is Mash meets Catch-22 (the movies)… The United States Army Human Terrain System has been …