Yoda: Why OpenStreetMap Worries Old Industry (and Old Government?) — the End of Intellectual “Property” and Rise of “Value Added”

The New Cartographers: Why OpenStreetMap Worries Tech Companies Nevermind Apple’s maps misfire, the free, volunteer-made OpenStreetMap may end up reigning supreme anyway, as companies increasingly choose it for map data over Google. But as the project grows, it’s becoming harder and harder for its members to agree on what direction to go in next. Part …

Yoda: Public Interest Design – Isn’t That What Governments Do?

Must-See Public Interest Design Tim Brown, October 9, 2012 A show curated by John Cary of Public Interest Design has just opened in San Francisco at the Autodesk Gallery. It is a must if you are interested in design and the social sector. The exhibit features many of the organizations that contributed to the design labs at …

Yoda: Big Data Hype Small Data Hype Visualization Hype – “Technology is not a substitute for thinking”

With them, force is. “Technology is not a substitute for thinking.” Robert Steele “Bandwidth is more expensive than pilots.” Professor Robert Owen Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University The future is now: 10 startups leading the way in ‘big data’ Christina Farr VentureBeat, October 16, 2012 Police are mixing crime data and sociological information to anticipate incidences of crime. A …

Yoda: Patricia Martin on the Future of Libraries in the Digital Era

The Future of Libraries in a Digital Culture Patricia Martin Huffington Post, 11 October 2012 EXTRACTS: Until recently, public libraries had little reason to innovate. Then Google arrived. More disruptive technologies followed, causing an identity crisis for librarians. Now the profession is re-thinking its purpose — a quest that lured a gathering of 350 eager …

Yoda: Google Evil – Threat to National & Individual Security

Google’s data mining raises questions of national security The ability of any company to ‘mine the mosaic’ of personal data has consequences far beyond individuals’ privacy Bryan Cunningham guardian.co.uk, Monday 15 October 2012 An imminent report on an emerging threat to individual privacy to be issued by the European data protection authorities raises even more …

Yoda: US Intelligence Turns to Crowd-Sourcing (Only in English, Only Online)

Intelligence agencies turn to crowdsourcing Sharon Weinberger BBC 10 October 2012 EXTRACTS: Research firm Applied Research Associates, has just launched a website that invites the public—meaning anyone, anywhere—to sign up and try their hand at intelligence forecasting. The website is part of an effort, sponsored by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (Iarpa), to understand …