Greg Palast: BP Failure in Gulf Preceded by Identical Failure for Known Reasons in Caspiuan Sea — BP Covered It Up, US Department of State ALSO Covered It Up. Manning and Truth the Enemy, Crime by BP and Treason by State “Not” the Enemy. Say What?

Bradley Manning & The Deepwater Horizon By Greg Palast for  Vice Magazine Wednesday, 3. April 2013 Three years ago this month, on the 20th of April, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig blew itself to kingdom come. Soon thereafter, a message came in to our office’s chief of investigations, Ms Badpenny, from a person I dare …

INTERVIEW: Open Everything – with Robert David STEELE Vivas UPDATED to Add Parts V and VI

Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas David Balaban Privacy PC, April 2-8, 2013 PART I  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas This section open with Mr. Steele’s thoughts on CIA and CIA IT. PART II:  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas. Part 2 This section of …

Reflections on Information Pathologies & Organizational Intelligence — Why Predictive Analytics on Industrial Era Data is Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Coherent, the Force is…. Restrictive Control and Information Pathologies in Organizations Wolfgang Scholl* Humboldt-University, Berlin Although the relation of power to knowledge is an often discussed theme, a psychological and sociological scrutiny of the issue is lacking. A new conceptual and theoretical approach to this issue is presented here that distingushes between restrictive and promotive …

Mongoose: Papa Bush, CIA, Oil, LBJ, and the Assassination of JFK — Best Summary with Links

I don’t read much but this has a very strong feeling of authenticity — certainly enough to warrant a Truth & Reconciation Commission before Papa Bush dies.    The photos and graphics in this account, two included below, are best I have seen. Did George H.W. Bush Coordinate a JFK Hit Team? by Richard Hooke (with …

Marcus Aurelius: Special Forces Autonomous, Morphing Into White SOF Going Global, March 29, 2013 Drawing Down, But Still Projecting Power By David Ignatius TAMPA–The emblem of the U.S. Special Operations Command pointedly illustrates its mission: It shows the tip of a spear. Now SOCOM is expanding this arsenal to create a global network that can project power even as America’s armies withdraw from the battlefields …

Dolphin: 5 Lawmakers in Mississippi Die — and 10 Related to BP Oil Spill Dead….

Some of these seem a stretch, but obviously the FBI is choosing not to notice the larger pattern. 5 Mississippi Lawmakers Die In Months; Pro-Agenda 21 Legislator Jessica Upshaw Found Dead Of Gunshot Wound The Baker’s Dozen of BP Whistle-Blowing Victims 5 Mississippi state lawmakers have died within the past few months, including the recent …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Clandestine to Be Run by Woman in Charge of Rendtion & Torture Site?

What BS.  Officer almost certainly supported policies of Administration in office at time of actions. Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2013, Pg. 12 Moving Up The CIA Ladder Promoting an official who ran an overseas ‘black site’ is an outrageous idea. CIA Director John Brennan is reportedly considering promoting an official who ran an overseas …