1997 Stephen E. Arnold (US) Technology Vectors 1998 and Beyond

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD  Arnold, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Defines “Relevance” as “Pay to Play” #GoogleGestapo

Google: What Does Relevance Mean? Here’s the question for you: “What’s relevance?” The answer — if I understand the allegedly true information in “Google Creates ‘Dedicated Placement’ in Search results for AMP Stories, Starting with Travel Category” — is what Google decides you may see. Phi Beta Iota: Google is  corrupt to the bone.  It …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Russia Demands Google Register its “Agents”

Russia Demands Google Register or Leave Say, this could be good news for Yandex, the Russian search giant. RT News reports, “Google News Given 3 Mths to Comply with New Law to Stay in Russia.” If Google fails to register, it could be fined and, eventually, blocked within Russia’s borders. See Also: #GoogleGestapo @ Phi …

Stephen E. Arnold: Finding Books — the Failure of Amazon, Google, and Commercial Catalogs — Findability Zero…

Finding Books: Not Much Has Changed Three or four years ago I described what I called “the book findability” problem. The audience was a group of confident executives trying to squeeze money from an old school commercial database model. Here’s how the commercial databases worked in 1979. . . . . . . What the …

Stephen Arnold: Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems

Palantir Pushes Beyond What Any Other System Can Do It Seems I believe everything I read online. Don’t you. I spotted this interesting article: “Palantir: Revolutionizing Big Data Analytics.” The write up shows a Covid dashboard and focuses on what’s called “data integration.” Putting information in an index or series of indexes so a user …

Stephen Arnold: Search Atlas Demonstrates Google Search Bias by Location

Search Atlas Demonstrates Google Search Bias by Location An article at Wired reminds us that Google Search is not the objective source of information it appears to many users. We learn that “A New Tool Shows How Google Results Vary Around the World.” Researchers and PhD students Rodrigo Ochigame of MIT and Katherine Ye of …

Stephen Arnold: The NSO Group Story: Inspiring, Incriminating, or Obfuscating?

The NSO Group Story: Inspiring, Incriminating, or Obfuscating? The Washington Post or Wapo to some in the DC orbit is an influential newspaper. The outfit has a connection to the world’s richest man. That billionaire’s idea for an online bookstore spawned a massive online service. One of the customers using that service was allegedly given …