Stephen E Arnold: Making Life Easier for Professional Publishers: A Call for More Blatant Fraud

Making Life Easier for Professional Publishers: A Call for More Blatant Fraud I enjoyed “Please Commit More Blatant Academic Fraud.” The intent is to highlight the disgusting underbelly of academic underbellies of naked mole rats. The author picks up on the fraudulent peer cheerleading for research related to artificial intelligence, but when tenure is at …

Stephen E Arnold: Surveillance: Looking Forward

Surveillance: Looking Forward I read “The Future of Communication Surveillance: Moving Beyond Lexicons.” The article explains that word lists and indexing are not enough. (There’s no mention of non text objects and icons with specific meanings upon which bad actors agree before including them in a text message.) I noted this passage: Advanced technology such …

Stephen E Arnold: Cyber Security: What Are You Doing?

Cyber Security: What Are You Doing? I read “A Federal Government Left Completely Blind on Cyber attacks Looks to Force Reporting.” The write up uses a phrase for which there are a limited number of synonyms in English; namely, completely blind. There are numerous types of blindness. There’s the metaphorical blindness of William James, who …

Stephen E Arnold: More Search Explaining: Will It Help an Employee Locate an Errant PowerPoint?

More Search Explaining: Will It Help an Employee Locate an Errant PowerPoint? “Semantics, Ambiguity, and the role of Probability in NLU” is a search-and-retrieval explainer. After half a century of search explaining, one would think that the technology required to enter a keyword and get a list of documents in which the key word appears …

Stephen E Arnold: Evidence of the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Malware

Evidence of the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Malware I read “The Fortnite Trial Is Exposing Details About the Biggest iPhone Hack on Record.” I am less interested in the dust up between two giant commercial enterprises than the attempt Apple has made and seems to be making to cope with malware. The write up states: Apple …

Stephen Arnold: Fruit of Tainted Tree: An Interesting Metaphor and a Challenge for Data Removal Methods

I am not legal eagle.  In fact, legal eagles frighten me.  I clutch my billfold, grab my sweater, and trundle away as fast as my 77 year old legs permit. I do read legal info which seems interesting. “FTC Says That One Cannot Retain the Fruit of the Tainted Tree.” That’s a flashy metaphor for …