2002 Global Futures Partnership–Vision of Lasting Value

The Global Futures Partnership (GFP) is a strategic “think and do tank” that undertakes unclassified global outreach for CIA and other Intelligence Community elements on the most important issues facing the intelligence community today and in coming years. It conceptualizes and implements interdisciplinary and multi-organizational projects on key intelligence issues with leading thinkers from academia, …

1998 Hughes (US) Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) 1995-1998: Transition and Transformation

The presentation by Kenneth Hughes of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) is historic in large part because it is the single instance of FBIS taking the rest of the world seriously.  In its new incarnation it deals with 11 countries and ignores the other 79 known to have Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities.  Mr. …