Jean Lievens: Thomas Malone on Collective Intelligence — You Have to Give Away Old Power In Order to Gain New Power

Thomas Malone, director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence,  is one of the leading thinkers in the realm of anticipating how new technologies will transform the way work is done and leaders lead. His 2004 book, The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style, and Your …

Patrick Meier: Using Big Data to Inform Poverty Reduction Strategies — Data Science for Social Good: Not Cognitive Surplus but Cognitive Mismatch

Using Big Data to Inform Poverty Reduction Strategies My colleagues and I at QCRI are spearheading a new experimental Research and Development (R&D) project with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) team in Cairo, Egypt. Colleagues at Harvard University, MIT and UC Berkeley have also joined the R&D efforts as full-fledged partners. The research question: can …

Gordon Duff: Update on Advanced Weapons Into Syria

“Doomsday Weapons To Syria”: Putin Russian Advanced Weapons for Syria: Unrevealed Secrets of Vladimir Putin’s Recent Visit to London [Editors Note: We had reported earlier that when the Israelis used an American made mini-nuke bunker buster in the Damascus attack that they had crossed Russia ‘quiet red line’ of using a tactical nuke against an …

John Perry Barlow: Spies Without Borders I — How USA is Capturing Billions of Internet Accounts Around the World

Electronic Frontier Foundation Defending your rights in the digital world June 13, 2013 | By Katitza Rodriguez Spies Without Borders I Using Domestic Networks to Spy on the World This is the first article of our Spy Without Borders series. This article has been co-authored by Tamir Israel, Staff Lawyer at CIPPIC and Katitza Rodriguez, EFF International Rights Director.  The Spy …

Marcus Aurelius: UK Cuts Military, Lacks Ability to Reconfigure – Huge Opportunity for NATO NNEC

Is this the future of America in the world — racing pell-mell after the UK using essentially the same strategy that the Brits say we condemn? If You Want To Be Obama’s Lieutenant, PM, You’ll Need Soldiers By Camilla Cavendish London Sunday Times, June 16, 2013, Pg. 21 On Friday the sonorous boom of the …

Berto Jongman: Beyond Prism — Even More — Lots Lots More — Data Capture

Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure By STEPHEN BRAUN, ANNE FLAHERTY, JACK GILLUM and MATT APUZZO WASHINGTON (AP) — In the months and early years after 9/11, FBI agents began showing up at Microsoft Corp. more frequently than before, armed with court orders demanding information on customers. Around the world, government spies and …