Graphic: Declaration of Internet Freedom

Source Phi Beta Iota:  Another term of art is “Autonomous Internet.”  A broader term that includes this one is “Liberation Technology.” See Also: Autonomous Internet (139) Liberation Technology (9)

Mini-Me: Google Co-Founder on Web Freedom Facing Greatest Threat

Huh? Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google’s Sergey Brin Exclusive: Threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style ‘walled gardens’ Ian Katz, Sunday 15 April 2012 Sergey Brin says he and Google co-founder Larry Page would not have been able to create their search giant …

Reference: Gordon Cook on Freedom Tower and the Autonomous Internet – Peer to Peer User-Owned Communications and Computing Infrastructure

2012-04-13 Cook Report Peer to Peer Freedom Tower Phi Beta Iota:  This is a hugely important reference work, the first of its kind, and very strongly recommended to all who care about human dignity, human freedom, and human evolution. See Also: Reference: Gordon Cook on Technology, Economics & Public Interest – Occupy and the Current …

Mini-Me: Debunking Civil War Myths – About Control and Money, Not Freedom – Time for Secession Again, But From All Four Corners?

Huh? Debunking Civil War Myths – Long Proven Wrong The Victors Write the War History, but Should Their Lies be Immortal? [Veterans Today Editors Note: I was 46 before I learned that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave  anywhere ….Jim W. Dean] … by  Steve Scroggins The most persistent and pernicious Big …