Mini-Me: Snowden as Russian Agent? Snowden as Joint Chinese-Russian Project?

Huh? Guardian: Intelligence chair: NSA leaker Edward Snowden may have had Russian help Last year, in an interview with the New York Times, Snowden said he did not take any of the documents he obtained to Russia, “because it wouldn’t serve the public interest”.  Snowden said there was “zero-percent chance” that Russia had received any …

Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith – Freedom Via Extreme Frugality

The Only Leverage We Have Is Extreme Frugality  Charles Hugh Smith Debt is serfdom, capital in all its forms is freedom. The only leverage available to all is extreme frugality in service of accumulating productive capital. There are only three ways to better oneself financially: marry someone with money, inherit money or accumulate capital/savings and …

Marcus Aurelius: Snowden Says “Mission Accomplished”

IMHO, Snowden needs to experience being the object of an “extraordinary rendition” and then be warehoused incommunicado at either GTMO or one of the Supermax facilities.  Too bad that appears tactically infeasible at the moment. Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished By Barton Gellman Washington Post, December 23, 2013 Phi Beta …

Berto Jongman: Snowden Has Over-Turned the Secret Regime — A Turning Point for Intelligence Reformers?

A spy world reshaped by Edward Snowden Leaks from the former NSA contractor have been so illuminating that experts say they mark a turning point in U.S. intelligence operations. By Ken Dilanian Los Angeles Times, December 22, 2013 WASHINGTON — After news reports that the National Security Agency had secretly monitored German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s …

Marcus Aurelius: Marine Corps Commandant “Re-Awakening” Garrison Standards — Deja Vu Post-VN

The Army is talking about a similar program for similar reasons.  Army senior leaders feel that 10+ years of operational experience has denied soldiers and leaders essential garrison experiences.  Manufacturers of shoe polish, edge dressing, floor wax, floor buffers, and cleaning products, as well as barbers, should have enhanced economic prospects due to these perspicacious decisions. Corps …

SchwartzReport: Fukushima Fries the West Coast 28 Ways — US Map & Links — Deeply Frightening, Pity There Is No One Attending to the Public Interest….

This is the latest on Fukushima and the impact it is making on the U.S. West Coast. This directly affects me, as well as tens of millions of other Americans, and there doesn’t seem to be a thing we can do about it. 28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear …