Review: Fusion Economics – How Pragmatism is Changing the World

Laurence Brahm 5.0 out of 5 stars Common Sense Community-Based Economics, October 25, 2014 Laurence Brahm is one of those unsung heroes who was changing the world for the better, and influencing various governments in most positive ways, long before ecological economics and social enterprise became fashionable turns of phrase. I regard him as the …

SchwartzReport: Market Basket — Board Fires Progressive CEO, Boomers Go on Strike to Reinstate — Mutuality Economics from the Bottom-Up

This is a lovely story of how capitalism could be run. It illustrates very clearly the difference between the vampire capitalism that dominates our economy, and the compassionate capitalism we could have. Market Basket: The Return of Boomer Activism LAUREN STILLER RIKLEEN – Forbes Workers at the Market Basket supermarket chain just successfully undertook a …

Review: Economic Direct Democracy – A Framework to End Poverty and Maximize Well-Being

John C. Boik 5.0 out of 5 stars Balanced Comprehensive Proposals Any Group Can Implement, August 3, 2014 I have been thinking recently about various emergent alternative forms of capitalism, including Ethical, Collaborative, Conscious, Inclusive, and Redemptive Capitalism, and found this book as I was working on an article about Open Source Everything and Democratic …

2014 Robert Steele On Defense Intelligence – Seven Strikes

On Defense Intelligence: Seven Strikes I consider defense intelligence today to be incoherent and ineffective. It has no grasp of the totality of the threat; it is largely worthless in providing SecDef with evidence-based decision support relevant to strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations; and it does not help DoD within the Cabinet when decision-support is …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL:

Jean Lievens: Toward a Salutary Political Economy – Freedom from Jobs

Toward a Salutary Political-Economy – Freedom from Jobs By Elliot Sperber While gains have certainly been made toward a more inclusive, egalitarian society over the half-century since Martin Luther King delivered his iconic I Have a Dream Speech (as part of the March for Jobs and Justice in Washington, D.C.), in many respects – particularly …