Ed Jewett: Is Monica Elfriede Witt a Fake Defector to Iran – a False Flag Provocation from Zionist and Neocons in the USA?

Some reports refer to Witt as a “captain”, but she wasn’t an Air Force captain. Witt was enlisted. She was last stationed at Andrews Air Force Base but there is no record of how she actually defected to Iran. She allegedly separated from the Air Force in 2008 then went to work for the private …

Ed Jewett: Army’s Long-Awaited Iraq War Study Finds Iran Was the Only Winner

Army’s Long-Awaited Iraq War Study Finds Iran Was the Only Winner A two-volume Army study of the Iraq war is a deep examination of the mistakes and success of the war effort that also takes aim at critics who would slough off the conflict as they shift to near-peer threats. The 1,300-page, two volume history, …

BREAKING: China, Iran, Russia, Turkey Recognize Nancy Pelosi as the Legitimate President of the United States of America … Cite Trump’s Precedent with Venezuela!

We do not make this shit up (most of the time). Citing Trump’s precedent with Venezuela, in which the Speaker of the House in Venezuela has been recognized by the USA as the legitimate President (never mind that the Speaker did not participate in the most recent election which was clearly won by President Maduro, …