Patrick Meier: A Research Framework for Next Generation Humanitarian Technology and Innovation

A Research Framework for Next Generation Humanitarian Technology and Innovation Humanitarian donors and organizations are increasingly championing innovation and the use of new technologies for humanitarian response. DfID, for example, is committed to using “innovative techniques and technologies more routinely in humanitarian response” (2011). In a more recent strategy paper, DfID confirmed that it would “continue …

John Holdren: Public Research Results to be Free Online

Increasing Public Access to the Results of Scientific Research By Dr. John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform. The Obama Administration agrees that citizens deserve easy access to the …

Yoda: There Is No Publishing Industry [This Has HUGE Implications for Education, Intelligence & Research]

In the tar pit, the mammoths are. There Is No Publishing Industry All models are wrong, some models are useful – statistician George Box The mental model we share of this thing we call the publishing industry is no longer useful. Most of us think of the publishing industry’s product as “books”. That’s like thinking that Amazon …

David Isenberg: Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013

Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013 By Marcus P. Zillman, Published on December 18, 2012 (Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals) Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators ( is a keynote presentation that I have been delivering over the last several years, and much of my information comes from the extensive research that …

Michel Bauwens: 90% of peer-reviewed clinical research is completely false – GreenMedInfo

90% of peer-reviewed clinical research is completely false – GreenMedInfo Sayer Ji GreenMedInfo Nov 9, 2012 A seismic shift is occurring in the field of evidence-based medicine that a rare few are aware of, but which will (and likely already does) affect everyone, as the standard of medical care today largely follows from this model. …

Yoda: Research Fraud Has Exploded in Past Decade — Pattern of Fraud in Education, Intelligence, & Research

Sad, this is. Research fraud exploded over the last decade And retractions don’t always mention when data’s fraudulent (43% of the time, in fact). A number of studies have spotted a worrisome trend: although the number of scientific journals and articles published is increasing each year, the rate of papers being retracted as invalid is …