SchwartzReport: Growing Food in Desert with Solarized Seawater — AND Stabilizes Sea Level

Growing food in the desert: is this the solution to the world’s food crisis? Philipp Saumweber is creating a miracle in the barren Australian outback, growing tonnes of fresh food. So why has he fallen out with the pioneering environmentalist who invented the revolutionary system? Jonathan Margolis The Observer, Saturday 24 November 2012 The scrubby …

SmartPlanet: Solar and Wind Energy Challenge Funding of Fossil Fuel

Solar group to World Bank: Give us gas and oil’s $12B, and we’ll cool planet Siemens: 880m euros’ worth of wind power orders since July Phi Beta Iota:  The current approach to solar and wind is mis-directed toward the traditional centralized capture and downstream distribution.  Those costs are waste.  Micro-girds, neighborhoods combining solar, wind, biogas, …

Sepp Hasslberger Printing Solar Panels in the Backyard

Imagine what you might do if you could print your own solar panels. That’s kind of the dream behind Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein’s Solar Pocket Factory — although they see it more as the “microbrewery” of panel production rather than a tool for everyone’s garage. With over $70,000 of backing from a successful Kickstarter …

SmartPlanet: Solar Bag Purifies Water in Two Hours

Solar bag hauls, purifies water By David Worthington SmartPlanet, August 7, 2012 Big ideas can sometimes start small. Two industrial design students have designed a prototype portable solar water purification system that could save countless lives at a cost of just a few dollars per unit. The bag is the brainchild of Ryan Lynch and partner Marcus Triest …

Sepp Hasslberger: Solar Ice Maker: No Moving Parts, No Electricity

Solar Ice Maker: No Moving Parts, No Electricity “The tubing (or heat exchanger) is filled with a liquid refrigerant material. The reflective panel focuses light and heat energy from the sun onto the piping which vaporizes the refrigerant. So far, no ice. When the sun goes down however the vapor goes through massive heat loss …

David Brin: Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk

Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk created by scientists Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk and so flexible they can be wrapped around a single human hair have been created by scientists. By Danielle Demetriou, Tokyo The Telegraph, 09 Apr 2012 The ultra-thin film consists of electrodes on a …

Sepp Hasslberger: Mark Boyer on Scientist Develops Self-Sustaining Solar Reactor That Produces Clean Hydrogen Fuel

Mark Boyer Scientist Develops Self-Sustaining Solar Reactor That Produces Clean Hydrogen Fuel Hydrogen is a fuel that has seemingly limitless potential, but scientists have only been able to produce it from fossil fuels, like natural gas. That is, until now. A doctoral student in mechanical engineering at the University of Delaware has designed a new …